Ive got the new Anathema album a Natural Disaster


Nov 19, 2001
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And it is very very good. I think they have finally done it, its maybe not as cohesive as Judgment as an entire album- but each song is so much more complex and adventerous, and the emotional intensity is intact. I hate reviewing stuff- so i ll stop here. I do know this is the album that should propel them into the mainstream where they belong.
I agree that save for maybe "Are You There?," it's not very accessible...though a great album nonetheless. Besides, I don't expect Anathema to ever become a mainstream act, considering just how far they've delved into their careers without any commercial exposure. Still, I can't stress enough how great this album is...I HIGHLY recommend it!
Checkin it right now. One of th emost emotional bands Ive ever heard. Im sure this will be great as is their others. Cant wait for it to be released on the shelves!

Also, I dont think they will ever go mainstream either. Dunno why though. As for the cvomment they have went to far into their careers, look at AFI..they have been around for a longass time and finally made it big. And Anathema are 483655863 times better. Still far-fetched though unfortunately because they deserve it just as much as the next.
Yes, it's true what you said about AFI, but for some reason I just don't see it happening for Anathema. Also, AFI wasn't as big as they are now, but I've always considered them a pretty well-known band, whereas if I mention Anathema to a typical group of let's say, teenagers, I imagine I would receive some pretty dumbfounded looks.
I think the album is actually more accessable than fine day- but these are opinions- lets face it, unless they some how get on the radio over in the United States- they are fucked over here. Just a little support is all they need- they need to shop their record around- maybe a rolling stone article or something. Im just pissed off they havent made it- becuase they are the one ex-metal band that deserves to, and it seems they want to reach a big audience- not just pissed off metal fans.