I've made a sample-collection...

Nov 3, 2006
Northwestern part of Germany
Hey there!

As I'm completely overwhelmed by the awesomeness of "Mercy Falls", I've made an own collection of some favourite parts of mine.

In this collection I completely left out the last 3 songs of the album so that I don't spoil anything!

It's 9:12 minutes long, all in all, has a rather low quality (96 kbps) and is 6625 KB big. (As you can listen to the whole song "Welcome To Mercy Falls" on MySpace, I didn't include it in my sample-selection.)

May I post the download-link for that sample-selection here or would you consider that illegal?

I merely want to show the world some awesome parts!!!

Best regards,

Hi there Fanatica!

These things are always tricky as we obviously have to draw the line somewhere. There are already sound clips available from Mercy Falls (every song actually) on the new webpage.

If you, however, feel that that you with these clips show something else that people should hear, than I think it's ok.

I also really appreciate you asking first!
Hey Andreas!

Thanks for answering this quickly. I do understand that and didn't want to post any download-links before I really know how you think about it. Fact is, I think that the samples you already released are really good and show some great moments but some of them are a bit too short, in my personal opinion. Of course you don't want to show too much but some people may not recognize the huge talent that's contained in the songs!

So I took some of my favourite parts - plus some parts that reveal a tiny glimpse of the beginning of the story - and made a 9:12-min-sample-collection. This collection mainly consist of some of my favourite melodies (mostly from the choruses) and some parts that always drive my tears. As I said I didn't include any of the last three songs because in order to find out how the story develops/ends the listeners should buy the album!

Long story short: check out the MP3 and see for yourself. If you consider it too much I'll delete the file right away, absolutely no problem:

(to download, simply left-click on the link, select "free user", wait a while and click 'download')
That was an amazing listen! Thanks for that SonataFanatica!!! "Mercy Falls" can't hit my mailbox soon enough! Should be here any day now. Hope it's soon! :headbang: