I've got a 85 and 81 on two of my Icemans...does wonders!
The OLD Gibs are cool with me. I got an '82 E2 back in 1983 and picked up
another ('81), last year. This one has the chunky neck, but I'm partial to
my Icemans; so...? One nice point is that the Explorers have the dirty fingers PUs and solid and feels like you could whack an army of spartans
to death. On the other hand, my '75 LP is perfect and I was a cunt hair shy of getting an '84 a few months ago, but I have issues with the mid-80's
. At the same time I tried a '94 LP. ABSOLUTE SHIT!--Should have said ChingChang on it.
I guess the factory moved in 1994 and the quality stayed in Kalamazoo.
*Not interested in the Zakk model; basically because of the name association
and the tard bullseye paint. I'm hunting for a nice '77-'79 RD Artist,
which apparently Mr. Zakk owns one as well. I wonder what he records with...hmmmm