Jackass 3 in 3D!!!!

I love Jackass. I remember that when I went to see the second movie I was like "ah, come on guys, with all this YouTube shitheads doing crazy stuff you´re no more big deal". Boy, I was wrong. These guys are absolutely insane.
I have a lot of respect for the Jackass guys.
Because SOMEONE has to do the shit they do. And Knoxville's got some fucking balls too.
Knoxville is my favourite. Although Steve-O usually does the most hardcore stuff, I love the way Knoxville throws himself so eagerly into pain and danger. Dude is nuts, it´s not like he´s just suffering, he´s doing it with passion, he wants more! lol

I wish they could drop the boring fake acts like the ones involving Bam´s parents and focus on the classic stuff, like cuting themselves between the fingers with paper (that scene makes me cringe everytime).
ok I figured before I watched this that it was not gonna be funny anymore, that they had run out of shit to do... but damn was I wrong that trailer was hilarious
Honestly, they go further, imo, because it always seems like a competition between them as to how far they will go. It's also nice not have every stunt introduced.
Trailer looks funny. Very funny indeed.

Jesus christ can the Jackass guys just die already
at least bam for fuck's sake

haha agreed. We just did some cKy shows here, Bam was here to promote the new movie and didnt even show up to one of the shows cos he was too drugged out.