Jackson Info...

Feb 3, 2006
Okay, I just been offered this:


For what I think is a pretty good price, but I can't find anything out about this particular style - I thought maybe you lovely people could help.

It's a Jackson Kelly (though if you didn't know that already, you're not going to be much help to me :p ) - the headstock says "Jackson Professional" and the truss rod cover says "Kelly Std". The serial number is J 001777.

As far as I can make out it has the virtually same specs as a current KE3, but is obviously a few years old because this model doesn't exist any more - so presumably it was made before Fender took them over. I looked on Harmony Central, but the prices paid on there are all over the place, and I can't find out anything about this series.

Any ideas? Ideally I'm looking for where it was made, what year it was made, what it would have sold for at the time, and what you reckon it's worth now - but any info. would be greatly appreciated!

Thanks in advance!

Japaneese made, mid-90s. Probably sells for $350-450, but I don't know a ton about the imports. It's been a long time since I played one, but I remember them being decent, and with replacement pickups they can sound pretty good.

Check out jcfonline.com, which is the Jackson guitars board. In the import section there are a ton of very knowledgeable people...
i use a similar model (king V shape instead of kelly) loaded with an emg 81. sound and plays OK, nothing outstanding but definitely not the worst guitar. matt is right about the price, around 400 should be fine
Performer series are great if you want it as a CHEAP backup. I currently use a Jackson PS 2 as my main guitar. It was fine for a few years, but recently i've had some issues with it such as re-occuring frett buzz and faulty/ crackly electronics. Easy to fix, but you can tell the quality isn't there.
Yeah, I've checked it over already, the electronics are fine, the Floyd Rose is in one piece with very little wear, and it's even setup pretty well - though I'll have to redo that if I buy it 'cause it's set up for .9's :erk: For a guitar that's probably around 6-7 years old it's in great condition - better than my 2-year-old Ltd, and I'm pretty anal about my gear.

The way I see it, you can't really go wrong getting a decent make for that kinda money - especially when the price includes a hard case and a set of strap locks. I was just interested to know a bit of background on it more than anything; I don't know much about Jacksons beyond what's available today.

Yeah, both my jacksons are performer series, since i'm a leftie and can't afford usa models lol. But yeah, both are beat up to shit, and still work fine, replaced the pickups on both, but otherwise, not had any other problems with them. Sounds like a good deal man, i'd pull the trigger on that one.
I have a Jackson Randy Rhoads "Professional Series" as my main guitar since a couple
of years now (I think I bought in 1992 or something). The older it gets, the better it sounds. I didn't changed the pickups 'cause the sound is pretty good with my setup.
I just had to replace the Floyd Rose 'cause it got some serious rust problems after I didn't cleaned the guitar after a (sweaty) show and 1week in the road case. And also the volume potentiometer.
The neck is now a little run-down and I need new frets soon, but after that long time I guess that's ok.

When I bought the guitar, I've been told the the Professional Series is half USA, half Japan. The parts are manufactured in the US and assembled in Japan. I really don't know if that is true ....
I bought one of those Kelly's back in '94.I think I paid $599 for it new-with case.So $260 used-in good shape seems like a decent deal to me.