Jackson JJ2


New Metal Member
Jun 7, 2003
Hey all, I was wondering if any of you played guitar, and if so, what your rigs are. I just ordered after years and years of drooling the Jackson JJ2. Man I have been waiting a long time for this. Does anyone else have this particular guitar? If you do, what do you think of it?
I've been playin for almost 20 years and I've had all kinds of amps and guitars. Peavey amps, Gorilla amps, Crate, etc. My guitar I love, it's the amps I keep swapping for different ones. Anyways, my current setup is a Marshall MG15DFX (little 15 watter that CRUSHES as well as a larger model! My Peavey Classic Chorus 212 just didn't sound as METAL as this little Marshall so.........) and my axe is a Kramer Striker 600 ST with a Floyd. My pdeals are a Marshall Jackhammer and a Boss Noise Suppressor/Gate.
I've been playin for about 10 years off and on but I've decided to get dead serious about it again. I still have my first and only amp, a Peavey Bandit 112 (Sheffield equipped) and just disassembled my only guitar, an Aria Pro II. I'll use this old shell to rebuild a new guitar at some point. Until then, I'm waiting for my Jackson signature JJ2 to arrive at Guitar Center. By the way, Kramer kicks ass.
I've been playing for 8 years and have been in serious bands for six, when I started playing my father said I had natural talent because after a year of playing I was already better than him, after kicking around in Bluegrass bands,(what a way to build up chops!) I bought a Washburn KC-60V and a Fender practice amp, I haven't looked back since. My current rig consits of my baby, A '98 Gibson Les Paul DC, and a Peavey 5150 II through a Peavey Sheffield equiped halfstack. I run a 9 band EQ and a DOD Digital Delay through the effects loop for my solos.(Think Morbid Angel) Recently my tubes shit the bed in my 5150 II, so I have been using my back up head, a Peavey Transtube Ultra, and damn me If I don't like the sound better than The 5150, go figure.
I've been playing 13 years. My first guitar was an Aria Pro II (the company that made Cliff Burton's basses). I have a shallow back 6 string ovation, a Strat Plus, an Iron Maiden Strat, a Washburn Dimebolt, a Zakk Epiphone, and an Ibanez Destroyer. My next axe is a 12 String Martin or Taylor... but in order to get it, I have to procure an endangerment, I mean engagement ring, for my girl. I run my axes through a Digitech GNX2... Paul Crook turned me onto it when I went to visit him at a Gotham gig a few years back. Man he's got some awesome tones. I'm running through the power amp of an old school Peavey Bandit 112 with a Scorpion Speaker. I still have my original Quantum 15W from 1989. That's my old school amp... nostalgia. I'm awaiting a Warhead Halfstack from Satan Clause in a week or two. Good times.

Oh yeah, and if you want to check out a cool little pedal, check out the Dime Distortion... I tried it out through a shitty crate half stack and it came out sounding great.