Jacopo Giorgi passed away


Void of Silence member
Feb 7, 2003
Rome (ITALY)
Jacopo Giorgi, brother of our friend Michele/Xyphias passed away in the last Sunday.

Michele, ti siamo molto vicini...


This is a letter from Josh, the younger brother of their family.

when I had 13 years my siblings have carried to me for before the time to a store here to Rome that called band exactly bonnot (not memory if it is written therefore) where I to the time bought kill em all of metallic in fact I listened to "metal" the that one of medium "the rebellious" child of the averages! that one was the only disc metal that I was successful to find in that store, at least the only one that I with my musical culture from musical messaggerie could know I will not never forget that I was lì nearly drunk of discs that I did not know and of speeches that they with the manager of the store probably made someone knows of that store I am speaking, probably others the manager did not call to the times roberto. exact the odierno robbertò and the store is what today it is hellnation. that one has been probably the first step that my siblings have made to make me outside from a shell in which I was caught. me made curious memory that some day after churches to my brother jacopo: "but you that music you listen" and he "hard Core!" and I in my naivete before what that churches were:"ma poga" and it after two days carried me of the cassettes in order only make me to have one vision of its world. and therefore I came to acquaintance of fugazi, minor threat, blak flag, youth of today, gorilla biscuits, rites of spring, chain of strength, uniform choice and could go ahead for hours! me memory that I remained dumbfound! a day mine fratelo said me from this evening if you want is a concert hard Core to the fort. the group is called fugazi and us sound a boy who calls itself ian mckay, if port goes you to come you us why it will be much fico. the day after I had esamo of the third average and my parents (just) me did not send to us, lost one of concerts probably + fichi, or at least in my head me always they are imagined therefore. from lì thanks to this person my way in the world is begun that today is absolutely the thing of which I will not be able to never make less! from lì I have known my new family. from that moment and thanks to that person I have become the person that now are could be to via of the course with the mullet and the occhialoni and instead I am to the pirateria to sees the concerts, I am to I slept in all Europe from I lodge to the social centers, I am in contact with an amount of persons from fear that never I could have known, sound in two groups that are my life to the eyes of many one life of merda, a misfit. I know that the satisfactions that I in my life have taken very rarely someone them have been able to take in its! all this I must it person to this who is my brother jacopo.
this was only an episode that even to the reading than many it will not want to say null but that in truth it has changed the life to me, undoubtedly in best.
my brother always has been the first one that nonbeing its 32 years and its life of ruotine if we want to the concerts of the strength approach made the casino alone also, than if someone made a cover that it appealed to to it sang it and the fregava I do not haul neither of old new school neither seeming ridicule if were the only one to know it neither of having 32 years and for an evening outside from its job the die wanted to make the coglione to sing Young till! why this was he under the appearances probably the phrase that + were suited were just Young till the die!
the slid week I have seen my brother that it was here to Rome, we have looked at saturday and Sunday, for 3 days we have then not been able ourselves to see why it was of new immersed in that working ruotine that one of 32 years then is forced for responsibility to having to ripettare! it is left again and I have not been able it to greet from the alive one, he has called to me and he has said to me from I return first of November is looked at to us sure!
the only regret that I have is not to have greeted it a last time! and the last phrase that I have felt from he has been this and me it will always remain within!
I wanted ringraziare my family indeed my families! but I wanted here ringraziare that one that I have known thanks to my brother. to all my friends whom known the fact that my brother was died they have made me to understand that me they were near, that they thought me! to all those persons who have sent me a sign and also to that only a thought for respect has even turned me this have been undoubtedly ugly moment + of my life but I have had the support from the persons who I reputo my family! (my God seems a text of the madball) wanted indeed to turn immense thanks to ALL for ALL.
and above all I wanted to say to my brother those hello that they are not successful to dirgli the past week.
to a person who will always remain within of me
i' m skirt stay Young until the die!

Ciao Jacopo
holy shit, this is terrible
I've been pestering michele since Sunday too
I feel so fucking guilty now

My deepest sympathy to you and Josh and all your family.
I have no words for this but you know my thoughts are with you my friend. :cry:
i'm so sorry to hear that my friend
i hpoe you'll feel better soon and keep the good memories with you
Sorry to hear about your brother's passing Michele. My heartfelt condolances ...
thanx to you all mate,
right by now I'm too tired to talk about these terrible days, but I guess it really doesn't matter as my bro won't be anymore beside me.
if someone want to check who he was (is) and how much people loved him, just go to the dagnasty board at: http://daghouse.com/bobst/
thanx again to be beside me, I'll be back to ride code666 promotion in few weeks, I hope.