James Blunt - High (Cover) Real Drums!

Erik Monsonis

Nov 18, 2006
Mexico City

This was recorded on my friend's rehearshal room in one take, all playing together.

What can you suggest to improve sound?? (I must state I don't like their guitar sounds...)

Note: The drum microphones were T.Bone sets except for the snare (SM57).

Guitars: ESP Horizon FR II >> Astone Overdrive >> 2xCrate BV120HB >> 2xBogner Ubercab

Fernandes 7 String >> Mesa Triaxis + Marshall Plexi >> Mesa 4x12 Rectifier + Marshall 1960A

All the four cabs miked with SM57's. They wanted to be panned hard left and hard right instead of crossing tracks, so they sound really different in each side... ¬¬

Bass was DI, and then processed in Ampeg SVX, pretty standard settings. Compressed the hell out of it with Oxford Dynamics.

Vox was recorded with a Behringer dynamic shit mic, slight reverb and compression added.


Any suggestions?:headbang:
some more distorsion and screams is despretly needed =( and possobly changing the lyrics to include words like satan or darkness would make it more interesting... =(
...other then that pretty good =)