James in Trivium video?


Self Portrait
Jul 19, 2005
"Dying in your arms" video. I thought I saw a couple of quick shots of you in it. Playing guitar & pointing at the camera. If so, is it footage from Backstage Productions?
Maybe I'm mistaken thus making this thread pointless. :erk:
Roadrunner United show maybe?

I don't know. There are 2 seperate quick flashes that I'm refering to. It might be a member of Trivium or someone else but he looks alot like James to me.
This person is wearing what looks like a baseball cap with the Dean (guitars) logo. One shot is sitting down playing guitar and the next shot is reaching towards the camera. Both are towards the end of the video.
Judge for yourself.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KbGOmSRvZZ8&search=trivium dying in your arms
Oh well, would have been cool.
Now I wanna see James make a cameo in someone else's video.
How cool would that be? :kickass:
Actually, what would be really sweet is if Headbanger's Ball hung out with James at his studio & filmed a few hours of him working plus interviewing then edited it up for the entire 2 hour show. :kickass: :kickass: :kickass:
I miss that in HBB. They don't go out on location anymore. They used to do stuff like that all the time.
Should we start e-mailing HBB James? :heh: