James Labrie - Static Impulse

Yep, I bought it a while ago - I've never been much of a fan of Labrie's work in Dream Theater but have always liked the stuff he does away from the band, especially the first Mullmuzzler album (and also Winter Rose, which he did before he joined DT and is pretty much just awesome cheesy 80s rock).

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I love Mullmuzzler 1 and 2. Number 2 is one of my favourite DT side albums.
Afterlife, Venice Burning, Confroting the Devil, Falling, Save Me.... all great songs.
Elements of Persuasion was ok but not as good as the Mullmuzzler albums I didn't think (though most people seem to think it tops them)
Static Impulse is good. I can appreciate that it's a good album, but the songs all start to sound a bit 'samey' for me.
Again, most people seem to think it's his best album.
It's perfect for what it is. I used to listen to it non-stop when I first bought it. Gee, that was in 1997. Talk about feeling old :(
I don't think he's doing much different at all to what he does in DT, it's the music that's different here. Both awesome. And i found the opposite about the songs being samish...they sounded that way at first, but not after a few good listens.

I'll have to pick up his other work too then!