James Murphy Update

Deadly Embrace

Feb 27, 2002
Bay Area
hi everyone, sorry too have been so out of touch... it's been hectic for me, and not enough computer access, too much email, etc.

I just want to touch base with all of you and let you know how things have been going for me and what i have been doing now that my doctor appointments are much less frequent and i have been able to get around and do a bit more.

i am doing pretty good and getting better but i am still not recovered fully. still taking my medication everyday, hoping that the remains of the tumor will continue to shrink. so far so good! i am in good spirits though, and i have hopes for the future.

in the meantime, i just finished producing and engineering a band from michigan named Summon, with my friend jason from audiohammer helping with the engineering. i also played a bit on the album and everything went great... we will mix it starting july 2nd and it will be released later this year on the washington based label, Moribund. this was my first work since well before my surgery, and it felt great to finally do something to help myself and be involved with music again!

also, i am currently trying to write a new disincartnate CD and i have some cool stuff together for it right now... but i still need to write a lot more.

thanks for all of your letters, i will try to stay more on top of my email... sometimes it just builds up to where i am a bit overwhelmed though, so advance apologies if i take a while in responding to you.

that's it for now, but if you like star wars, click on the link below and then hit the "watch film" button. this thing is hilarious! it may take 5-10 minutes or so to load with a dial-up connection (like i have), and you need a flash-capable browser, but it is worth it for a good laugh.


oh yeah, there have been quite a few updates to my site in the last couple weeks.... solos added to the 'sounds' page, additions and updates to the discography, stuff on the graphics page, and there should be many new photos in the gallery very soon.

take care,

~James Murphy
Official Site: http://www.msanthrope.com/jamesmurphy/
Official UM Forum: http://www.ultimatemetal.com/forum/f145/s
~A new Summon album with James Murphy producing and doing solos?! Everyone look forward to this album! Summon is a monsterous deathrash band with black influence from my hometown Lansing, Michigan. Rarely do you get to hear a band playing at blast-beat speed yet still sound so tight and well rehearsed. Probably the best example of their work would be Baptised in Fire. Check them out seriously!
Well, I don't know you, but I'm glad to hear that you are doing better. Cheating death is a good thing. I bet you see life through different eyes now. My father died on 12/27. Cancer. Like an idiot, I'm still smoking. Dumb. Anyway, good luck with the producing and engineering work you are doing. Only good can come from doing things that you love the most!