James' thoughts on Bumblefoot??

Eat Pop Slop

Apr 10, 2002
Melbourne, Australia
Hey James,

Noticed a thanks to Ron Thal in your solo CD years ago, and was just curious what stuff of his you've heard, and your opinions of him really?

Am constantly blown away by the man personally, and when I told him about your medical situation he put up a link on his site asking that people help ya out with donations.

Too hard for me to pick a favourite CD though - usually the most recent one cause it's fresh, but just as fun digging back into the old stuff too :kickass:
Unfortunately not too many people know about Jame's illness. Neither did I. I'm here only because I asked myself "Hey I wonder what that Murphy guy from Testament who auditioned to be in Megadeth is up to these days". :D

I tried spreading the word for donations on Megadeth's board before I was banned and hopefully that made a lot more people aware.
Nitronium Blood said:
Unfortunately not too many people know about Jame's illness. Neither did I. I'm here only because I asked myself "Hey I wonder what that Murphy guy from Testament who auditioned to be in Megadeth is up to these days". :D

I tried spreading the word for donations on Megadeth's board before I was banned and hopefully that made a lot more people aware.

This may not help much, but I didn't even notice any of that. But you being banned explains why I don't see you posting over there anymore.
Nitronium Blood said:
I tried spreading the word for donations on Megadeth's board before I was banned and hopefully that made a lot more people aware.

You did well there Bro - I recall seeing your posts and it was one of them that gave me the boot under the arse to start posting here again. You got this board pumpin again :)

Damn didn't know ya were banned? Spewin :(

Wondered why I hadn't seen any of your [FTES] posts :lol:
Nitronium Blood said:
Unfortunately not too many people know about Jame's illness. Neither did I. I'm here only because I asked myself "Hey I wonder what that Murphy guy from Testament who auditioned to be in Megadeth is up to these days". :D

I tried spreading the word for donations on Megadeth's board before I was banned and hopefully that made a lot more people aware.
wow, you got banned for trying to help someone? thanks for your efforts.. i'm working now more and don't need donations anymore really.. so thanks.. but man.. that's lame if they banned you for that.. real lame.
James Murphy said:
wow, you got banned for trying to help someone? thanks for your efforts.. i'm working now more and don't need donations anymore really.. so thanks.. but man.. that's lame if they banned you for that.. real lame.
No no! Sorry if I caused any confusion!

They banned me for breaking forum rules one too many times, not for my threads/posts regarding your health condition James.
Eat Pop Slop said:
You did well there Bro - I recall seeing your posts and it was one of them that gave me the boot under the arse to start posting here again. You got this board pumpin again :)

Damn didn't know ya were banned? Spewin :(

Wondered why I hadn't seen any of your [FTES] posts :lol:
Well, yeah now you know :D Glad I atleast got you and NESFantasy to come over here for a bit.

Oh and... [FTES] :D
Nitronium Blood said:
Well, yeah now you know :D Glad I atleast got you and NESFantasy to come over here for a bit.

Oh and... [FTES] :D

I just thought at the time maybe ya were bummed that ya couldn't hit any of the shows, and that might have been the reason for the non posting. Bugger you're banned man :(

:lol: GREAT to see!!!!! Ya know you started a tradition there between the West and East boys. Your little slogan is posted constantly :kickass:

.......... [FTWS] :kickass
DiscipleOfThePit said:
Ha, I've been banned from the Megadeth board 5 times. They're not too keen on posters having a a criticial faculty over there.

James: I never knew you auditioned for Megadeth, when was this?
sometime in 99. Marty had gotten Dave to check me out so Dave called me and arranged things.. he flew me to LA for an audition during a soundcheck at the Hard Rock Cafe. i barely remember anything but about a year ago i got ahold of a a clip from a radio show in which Muastaine mentined that i had auditioned and said i played great but that something else was wrong.. can't remember what it said exaxctly but it was something about my appearance, which i'm sure was pretty bad since the tumor was hitting me hard then. i spoke to Dave about it in person not long ago and he said i was constantly falling asleep in the dressing room before and after playing with them. this sounds right.. classic symptoms of my tumor.. it left me fatigued all the time.
James Murphy said:
sometime in 99. Marty had gotten Dave to check me out so Dave called me and arranged things.. he flew me to LA for an audition during a soundcheck at the Hard Rock Cafe. i barely remember anything but about a year ago i got ahold of a a clip from a radio show in which Muastaine mentined that i had auditioned and said i played great but that something else was wrong.. can't remember what it said exaxctly but it was something about my appearance, which i'm sure was pretty bad since the tumor was hitting me hard then. i spoke to Dave about it in person not long ago and he said i was constantly falling asleep in the dressing room before and after playing with them. this sounds right.. classic symptoms of my tumor.. it left me fatigued all the time.

Sorry to hear that man.

I think you would have brought a lot to Megadeth aswell. I had a genetic disease and had to have a Liver Transplant about 5 and a half years ago so I know what it's like for illness to hit you and fuck everything up.

Glad to see you're back on your feet though.

James Murphy said:
sometime in 99. Marty had gotten Dave to check me out so Dave called me and arranged things.. he flew me to LA for an audition during a soundcheck at the Hard Rock Cafe. i barely remember anything but about a year ago i got ahold of a a clip from a radio show in which Muastaine mentined that i had auditioned and said i played great but that something else was wrong.. can't remember what it said exaxctly but it was something about my appearance, which i'm sure was pretty bad since the tumor was hitting me hard then. i spoke to Dave about it in person not long ago and he said i was constantly falling asleep in the dressing room before and after playing with them. this sounds right.. classic symptoms of my tumor.. it left me fatigued all the time.

Wow, I never knew that. I knew that you'd auditioned, because I heard about it before, but for some reason I thought it was back in the 80s. I guess I'm getting the Jeff Loomis Megadeth audition confused with yours. I wonder if anybody taped that soundcheck...