
Purveyor of the Unique & Distinct
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Sep 30, 2001
Virginia, USA
JANE'S ADDICTION guitarist Dave Navarro has doubled down on his support of Marianne Williamson in the next presidential election, saying that "it's time to shift courses as the overall emotional health of the of the country is at stake." The author and spiritual adviser is one of six female candidates vying for the 2020 Democratic presidential nomination. The 66-year-old self-help guru and consultant to Oprah Winfrey and other celebrities supports universal health care, wants to address the core causes of chronic disease, opposes a border wall and has said we must bring down the "walls in our hearts." After initially throwing his weight behind Williamson in a July 7 Instagram post, Navarro has taken to social media again to explain his position and to address criticism that he was throwing his vote away. "Just because I am choosing to back a candidate and wish to push her agenda does not mean I am against anyone who votes otherwise," he wrote. "I am simply sharing a voice that I am enthusiastic about and that I believe deserves to be heard. "We have tried the divisive anger method with each other and that really has gotten us nowhere. So, this election I am going to share what I'm for rather than what I am against. If you disagree, you still have my respect as long as you take part in the process. "I am old enough to remember the days when Democrats, independents and Republicans could disagree politically all day and go share a meal at night, because at the end of the day we are all human. "Millions of men and women have given up their lives in combat protecting our freedoms. One of those freedoms is our freedom to vote. The freedom to choose and disagree. I believe it does our veterans a great disservice when they put their lives on the line for us and come home to an even more divided country. "For the past few years I have been disappointed with the extremes on both sides, to be honest. The news we get is more about in fighting and comments and comments on comments but we still have a massive homeless problem and we are in total disorder as a nation in terms of misdirected anger and adversarial talking points, while people are suffering, homeless, starving. "My state of California has become more and more out of control with every passing year. The homeless problem here has reached the highest level I have ever seen here in LA. Not only are the people on our streets suffering but now there is concern about public safety and the outbreak of typhoid and even possibly the reemergence of the bubonic plague which has been gone for 100 years. "These people don't care if someone flip flopped on an issue and want that to become the focus of the week. We need solutions as a nation and we need them now. "I am not going to take any victory away from the current administration where I feel it is due, but I also feel that it's time to shift courses as the over all emotional health of the of the country is at stake. So, I'm asking you guys to just have a look at @mariannewilliamson" Last month, Williamson concluded her performance in Democratic debates by accusing President Donald Trump of "harnessing fear for political purposes" and said that she would beat him by "harnessing love." Williamson drew ridicule online after she criticized the American healthcare system and argued that Trump won the presidency in 2016 with his "Make America Great Again" slogan. "We have a sickness-care system in the United States," she said during round two of the first Democratic Presidential debate. "We just wait until somebody gets sick and then we talk about who's going to pay for the treatment and how they're gonna be treated. We need to talk about why so many Americans have unnecessary chronic illnesses, so many more compared to other countries." Back in 2016, Navarro said during an appearance on the Fox Business network that he did not fit into America's two-party political system and that he identified as a libertarian. "Primarily because I found that there were two paths that I was looking at, and I didn't really fit into either one of those paths, and so I needed an alternative, because my political viewpoint takes a cue from different parties and different schools of thought," he explained. "And not all of one applies to me. And I think that there's a lot of people that that's true for." Specifically, Navarro said that his views on social issues are "not necessarily that of the Republican Party" and that his views on financial issues "aren't the same as the Democratic Party." He added: "I had to find a middle ground, as it were. I feel pretty comfortable where I'm at." Photo credit: BUILD Series

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Just because I am choosing to back a candidate and wish to push her agenda does not mean I am against anyone who votes otherwise. I am simply sharing a voice that I am enthusiastic about and that I believe deserves to be heard. We have tried the divisive anger method with each other and that really has gotten us nowhere. So, this election I am going to share what I’m for rather than what I am against. If you disagree, you still have my respect as long as you take part in the process. I am old enough to remember the days when Democrats, independents and Republicans could disagree politically all day and go share a meal at night, because at the end of the day we are all human. Millions of men and women have given up their lives in combat protecting our freedoms. One of those freedoms is our freedom to vote. The freedom to choose and disagree. I believe it does our veterans a great disservice when they put their lives on the line for us and come home to an even more divided country. For the past few years I have been disappointed with the extremes on both sides, to be honest. The news we get is more about in fighting and comments and comments on comments but we still have a massive homeless problem and we are in total disorder as a nation in terms of misdirected anger and adversarial talking points, while people are suffering, homeless, starving. My state of California has become more and more out of control with every passing year. The homeless problem here has reached the highest level I have ever seen here in LA. Not only are the people on our streets suffering but now there is concern about public safety and the outbreak of typhoid and even possibly the reemergence of the bubonic plague which has been gone for 100 years. These people don’t care if someone flip flopped on an issue and want that to become the focus of the week. We need solutions as a nation and we need them now. I am not going to take any victory away from the current administration where I feel it is due, but I also feel that it’s time to shift courses as the over all emotional health of the of the country is at stake. So, I’m asking you guys to just have a look at @mariannewilliamson

A post shared by Davé Navarro (@davenavarro) on Jul 9, 2019 at 7:25am PDT

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