Janne warman vs Vadim Pruzhanov

Jan 13, 2008
Ok yea its a vs thread who do you think is the all a round better keyboardist.
And if you cant pick one over the other just say attributes such as jannes faster.
Vadhim is the keyboardist of Dragonforce...
who the fuck is the other guy?

Alexi Starpoli pwns all
lol equally shit bands normally i would agree but ive become found of bodom.
I brought this up because i saw a sick keyboard solo by vadim.
I like Vadim more than Bodom's keyboards, but the only stuff I really like from Vadim is the insane improv keyboard solos with his nose...he gets mad style points.

Alex Starpoli from Rhapsody is a lot better than both...
I like Janne more. DragonForce sounds like boredom and cheeziness fused together and sped up in my opinion.
I'm not a fan of CoB, but I do like some of Janne's work. I like Vitalij Kuprij (Artension) more though, Jens Johansson too.
Both keyboardists are fine players. I think that style and fun factor points go to Vadim, his extended keyboard solos with the videogame samples and playing with his nose and playing popular tunes within his solos and such are great, and his blood-spattered keytar really fucking kicks ass. Good performers.

However, I do feel that in general playing skill Jamma Warman has him beat. I think his parts are more complex and even though his demeanor on stage is nothing more than statuesque, his playing and soloing are top-notch and it is a joy to watch him play his tilted keyboard. Overall I feel that Janne's keyboard parts are also better-written and more tasteful that Vadim's as well, though both bands are very much over-the-top. I think that Janna and Jaska (The drummer) are easily the most talented band members from COB.

Obviously there are better performers out there. Staropoli from Rhapsody (As previously stated) is miles ahead of those two, and he is also a brilliant composer in addition to an extremely strong performer. He is easily a favorite keyboardist of mine. I'd also like to mention that the Keys play for Sonata Arctica is very good, though his pitch-bending does get stupid and overbearing at times, in a live setting. But his playing rules and he does a great job of using keyboard in the band in the style of a guitarist.
would i like sonata arctica?
I tend to like heavy shit meaning if alexi clean sang i wouldnt listen.
The only way i see vadim is from his youtube vids.
Janne, I just like his style better. But overall, my favorite keyboardist would be the one from Eternal Tears Of Sorrow, Pasi Hiltula, which also played in Kalmah.