Japanische Kampfhorspiele - German Juggernauts


Forest: Sold Out
Jul 5, 2003
[IMGLEFT]http://www.russell.ultimatemetal.com/Interview/jklogo.jpg[/IMGLEFT]By Jason Jordan

If you’re a fan of grind (and let’s be honest, who isn’t?), then you’ve undoubtedly heard of Japanische Kampfhorspiele. They’re the Germans that are causing major waves with their latest LP in Hardcore aus der Ersten Welt. Why? It’s original, innovative, and packs a proverbial punch that just doesn’t let up. Praises aside, I sat down with Christof (drums) – as restrained as he is – in order that he might shed some light on the band and its inner-workings.

How’d you guys form? Care to give us a brief history of the band?

To keep it short, I met Klaus back in 1997 and we both did some self-recorded, 8-track grindcore, without having the idea of getting a real band together. Klaus played all strings, and I was on drums and sang. After several demos, Japanische Kampfhorspiele became so famous that we had to look for some other musicians to be able to perform live. So, I called Marco – with whom I was in a band before – to play the bass. Klaus brought Bony for the vocals, Bony brought Paul for the deeper vocals, and Bony and Paul met Robert. Robert is our second guitarist. As of today, JaKa has 4 official releases: 2 on Blutwurscht Produktion from Switzerland, and the latest 2 on our actual label Bastardized Recordings from Germany.


Do other grind bands such as Pig Destroyer and the like influence you all? In other words, who are your main influences?

The main influence is everyday life. The rest are death/thrash/grind standards we used to listen to since we’ve been playing our instruments.

What is the most accurate translation for Japanische Kampfhorspiele – Hardcore aus der Ersten Welt? And do people like the new album?

It means: ‘Japanese Battle Theatre of the Mind – Hardcore from the First World.’ Some people like it, and some don’t. Is there anything that everybody likes? People who are into hard music seem to like this funny album, though.

What’s the cover art signify? Is there anything the audience should glean from the album cover?

The artwork – and the title – is in one vein with the lyrics. The artwork shows elements of the first world hardcore. The lyrics also feature some of these elements.


The inclusion of people speaking German gives the record a real ambiance that is rarely realized. Why did you guys decide to include those snippets?

The samples also fit the entire thing. The lyrics are in German, so it’s no wonder that the samples are also. We are a German band. But I think even non-Germans get something of what JaKa is about. For a deeper understanding, ask your German teacher.

It seems as if Japanische Kampfhorspiele aren’t too concerned with the gore aspect of grind. Was this a conscience decision you made from the beginning?

We are mostly critics. We don’t tell people how to make it right, but we do describe the world we are living in. We also have some gore in our program, though. ‘Abflussbestattung Eg’ is a very gory piece. ‘Im Engelsfleisch’ or ‘Fleischdaemon’ also are.

What’s going on with the tour situation? Have you toured in support of Hardcore aus der Ersten Welt yet?

No, we just played our 13th gig ever. Most of the shows were after the release of Hardcore aus der Ersten Welt in Germany. We sell a lot of merch, and the shows are really cool. People sing along with the songs, and mostly just party. Next month we will play in France. We’ll have to see what it will be like there. After all, we don’t want to play too much. JaKa should remain special…and playing live is too much hard work for us pussies!


Any bands you’d specifically like to accompany on future tours/gigs?

I like to play with bands that sound totally different. I like festivals with a multi-colored mix of music…I don’t think I have a favorite band to play live with.

What can we expect next? Is another full-length, EP, DVD, live album, or any of the aforementioned planned?

At the moment, we’re pre-producing our upcoming, cover album including covers of just German artists. We plan to record it in March, so you can expect it in Summer 2005. In August, we want to record the next full-length up in Denmark. We don’t have any ideas for that yet, except for the date. We always pick a date first, and then start jamming. This way everything stays exciting for the band. In between, we will do one or two splits: a vinyl 7” with Das Krill and maybe another one on tape with Chainway.

Are any members of the band involved with side projects?

Robert is still in Unchallenged Hate. Paul is in Zeroed. The other four don’t have side projects.

Anything you’d like to close with?

Wear fur, eat pig meat and buy your children war toys.

I will do that.

Ultimatemetal’s Review of Japanische Kampfhorspiele – Hardcore aus der Ersten Welt
Official Japanische Kampfhorspiele website
Official Bastardized Recordings website
I like the new disc a lot! I wish this interview had more information though. Still, it's nice to see JaKa getting some attention.
noisefan said:
I like the new disc a lot! I wish this interview had more information though. Still, it's nice to see JaKa getting some attention.

I wish the interview had more information too! But, considering that Christof is a man of few words and the interview was conducted via email, there wasn't much I could do.
That's cool. I've done email interviews before myself. I know they don't always live up to expectations. Still, I aprreciate hearing about JaKa as they don't get the exposure I think they deserve.
Thanks again.