Jason Becker


Teh Forum Fuhrer
Sep 16, 2002
this guy is fucking AWESOME.

ive been listening to him for some time now, and he just totally blows me away. too bad he has lou gehrigs disease now :(. this guy is the KING of sweeps. Malmsteen has nothing on this guy. this guy is crazy good.

check his shit out. .


simply amazing
yeah, cacophony almost made me cry and throw my guitar out of the window....
Perpetual Burn is one of the best instrumental guitar albums of all time in my opinion.

He is one of my favourite composers, because all his songs always retain a distinct classical feel. His use of arpeggios is something everyone can learn from as well.
Ralf said:
yeah, cacophony almost made me cry and throw my guitar out of the window....

Ralf, lemme introduce you to my brother, i think you'll find that he is very similar to you...

i like Cacophany actually; a friend of mine got me into em just a short while ago. good stuff in there, even though the name does mean "noise" [or "infernal racket" as my sis likes to define the word, haha].