Jason Becker's new album

Mr. Shred-ididle

Its Chinese-Tilt ya' head
Jan 25, 2003
Does anyone know anything about this new album - The Blackberry Jams ?

I found out that it was released by looking through George Bellas's news section and it said "George has been working with Jason on his new album The blackberry Jams"

So I went to www.jasonbecker.com to see more about it and it just said that it was released this year. THATS IT! It didn't lell us anything about it or any information at all.

I know one unfortunate thing - That its not jason playing in the last 10 years.

Is it another cd full of demo's like the rhasberry jams?

Does anyone know what the fuck it is
Here is the short description on www.amazon.com:

A collection of private recordings & previously unreleased demos from Jason's Perpetual Burn era that gives guitar fans insight into his private musical thoughts from the period. 31 tracks. Shrapnel Records. 2002.

Then what has george bellas been doing with it?

So I guess it was another demo tape.
yeah...there's like a pic of Bellas and he's thanked...but I don't think he plays...

maybe he helped compile the stuff.

it's all really old but cool Becker demos and two piece at the end but his friend with the weird name that shreds on wind instruments.

it's cool to hear anything from jason.