Jason Newsted


Oct 13, 2005
Has anyone seen Rockstar: Supernova? The show that is swhere people compete to be the new lead singer for the "supergroup" (their word, not mine) consisting of Tommy Lee, Jason Newsted, and, uh...Gilby Clarke? It's surreal. I kind of feel bad for Jason. Most of the talent is pretty bad, and this seems like an enormous step down from Metallica (and Voivod, and even Flotsam and Jetsam).

He does make some priceless faces, though! Many reminiscent of that Pushead drawing inside And Justice For All. Scowling, squinty, looking out of the corners of his eyes. Classic.
i guess money talks. in metallica he must have been making MUCH more than what he is now making in voivod. so now he is doing some shows to try to make it up a little bit.
True. But....he toured with the biggest band in metal for over a decade. He aint exactly gonna be strapped for cash. For instance metallica reportedly got paid a million dollars along with aerosmith for playing woodstock 94.
a million!?!

rushes off to kick trujillo out of the band and starts learning the bass on the way
Apparently Newsted is financially set for the rest of his life, because of how he managed his money when he was in Metallica. I've read stories about him taking food from catering back home so he didn't have to spend money at home, or something like that. Basically cutting corners to save as much money as he could.
Sounds tight-fisted, but that would have been my strategy too. From what I read, he probably couldn't WAIT to get out of Metallica, so he was right to try and squeeze as much out of it as he could.

But I'd also be pretty sure that he only earned a tiny fraction of what the others did during his time in the band.
In truth, Gilby Clarke is probably the most talented of them all, so I dont understand the italics in the original post.
Take a listen to his "Pawnshop Guitars" album - what the fuck has Tommy Lee or Newsted ever written on a par with that? In fact, what the fuck have they ever written full stop? Jason is famous for being turned down in the mix in Metallica and Lee is famous for being a goof-ball clown that shagged Pammy Anderson.
At least Clarke has managed to write and record some decent music.
Liquid Diamonds said:
If I knew how much money Newsted had actually made in Metallica, I would be able to better guage how sorry to feel for him. I mean... they did treat him like a bitch for over a decade...
and the sad part is, in Jason they had the best man to fill Cliff's place.

Tommy Lee is pretty much a dumbass.
Stormwatch said:
In truth, Gilby Clarke is probably the most talented of them all, so I dont understand the italics in the original post.
Take a listen to his "Pawnshop Guitars" album - what the fuck has Tommy Lee or Newsted ever written on a par with that? In fact, what the fuck have they ever written full stop? Jason is famous for being turned down in the mix in Metallica and Lee is famous for being a goof-ball clown that shagged Pammy Anderson.
At least Clarke has managed to write and record some decent music.

Well, Gilby seems cool enough, but he's not the first guitarist I would include in a group that has media-clown Tommy Lee and the bassist from arguably the biggest metal band of all time. Gilby's famous for what? Oh yeah, I remember: he's not famous at all. He might be a great guitar player, but to dub it, as the producers have, a "supergroup" seems wrong.

I am curious as to what they sound like together, and what drection they'll go. I suppose it depends on the singer they choose.
soundave said:
Well, Gilby seems cool enough, but he's not the first guitarist I would include in a group that has media-clown Tommy Lee and the bassist from arguably the biggest metal band of all time. Gilby's famous for what? Oh yeah, I remember: he's not famous at all. He might be a great guitar player, but to dub it, as the producers have, a "supergroup" seems wrong.

I am curious as to what they sound like together, and what drection they'll go. I suppose it depends on the singer they choose.

Gilby Clarke was in Guns N Roses, what more do you want?! Let's face it, Slash or Izzy ain't gonna do a fucking reality show. No one with any career left will do a show like this - Bruce Dickinson is asked to do them all the time and turns them down.
Only someone like Jason, Lee, Clarke or Seb Bach would do this shit.
So who does everyone think deserves to win? I reckon that girl with all the facial peircings. She nails the performance everytime Ive seen her, and she has a really unique, good voice!
Benighted1 said:
So who does everyone think deserves to win? I reckon that girl with all the facial peircings. She nails the performance everytime Ive seen her, and she has a really unique, good voice!

So far, it's hers to lose, imo.