Jason Newsted

Jason ruled. He had great stage presence, especially when he would take the mic during Fight Fire with Fire and Seek and Destory.

Of course nobody can touch Cliff, but Jason filled an important role I agree. If there's any album in need of remastering, it's Justice.

People diss Metallica waaay too much nowaday. Forget Load era and just remember the golden years. :)
Jason was the most metal out of the band Metallica, he did a great job...........but could not turn the Metallica boat from heading
into Mainstream..............sell outs...................He wanted them to be heavier...........but could not stop Lars & James.........from doing all the writing & direction...............Metallica..........The biggest disappointment of my life.....................
Originally posted by DEVIANCE
jason should have gone back to F&J but maybe this will kick VOIVOD's ass in gear and make it back to where they once were
heres a pic of them http://www.chophouserecords.com/chrmedia/photos/vv/vv_092902_1.jpg

Well, he was involved in Phobos already (excellent album by the way, one of their best) so if their style changes, I think it's more because of Snake's return than because Newsted joined them.
Hey, you got your opinion, I got mine. Metallica hasn't put out anything good in the past decade IMO. In the 80's they were the best metal band bar none, but it's one thing to change your style...it's another thing to change your style to something that SUCKS! So yeah, I'm going to diss them, but I'm not any less of a metalhead (certainly not less than James and Lars are now :lol: )
This debate will probably last forever. Although I hate the Load/Reload era, I'm also against bands churning out the same thing with each release.

I guess change is easier when it's gradual. With Metallica, it was from one album to the next. I think most people can't get over the shock of seeing the once great Metallica cut their hair, smoke cigars, tour with Kid Rock, and write songs with 'bitch' in the title.

I know image isn't everything, but they just didn't practice what they preached. Metallica once said they would never want to be on MTV for example.
If Metallica had Cliff and Dave they would be the best fucking band of all time. There is no way those 2 guys would let them go mainstream. I really think Lars had the most to do with the downfall of Metallica. Jason was cool and yes he was great live.