Jaxx pics


Jun 17, 2003
Apex, NC

Yes, the majority of the thumbnails are not working, but the large pictures are all there. I've been fighting with this all night; I'm not sure if it's the program, the ftp, or the ftp client that's being obnoxious, but I'll mess with it tomorrow. The important stuff is online. :)

Wayne wants you all to know that he was *rescuing* Mike's pants, not threatening them. They blew off the bus's mirror (the Glorious Burden of Touring - having to dry your clothes on the bus and tree branches!) into the gutter, which is apparently where the bus potty was draining. Ewww.

If you'll notice, we caught Tom drinking... water? o_O

Tried to get pics of Mike onstage, but he kept hiding behind Tom, or various arms got in the way. I did manage to get Jonas, who won't usually hold still long enough for a live pic...
Those pics are great!!! I hope mine will be good!!! (I only have a kodak for the show in Montreal...) I will scanned them and post them if they turn out to be good :D... By the way Evergrey guys we're FUCKIN' good!!!
Hahaha - I had to leave them SOME dignity, you know? They don't need their ratty undershorts and socks plastered all over the web. :)
JAIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :wave: :wave: :wave: Hiya chickie! Thankie for posting the pics. Love em. :D Want me to send you mine when I take em? I'm going to San Francisco and the last gig in Hollywood. WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! And I'm not saying ANYTHING about lickin' anyone. BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
Squeak - thank you ma'am! I know you'll send me twenty megabytes of pics and twenty pages of story after they've blown through there. ;)
jaimek said:
Squeak - thank you ma'am! I know you'll send me twenty megabytes of pics and twenty pages of story after they've blown through there. ;)

BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA maybe I'll have 21 megabytes and 21 pages of story, THEN what are ya gonna do? :p All I can say is WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE and I CAN'T WAIT FOR THE SHOWS!!! I may drag them around SF if they want since I'll be up there at like 2pm. hehe
Because when I reformatted the computer, I didn't reinstall it - everyone I talked to on ICQ was also available on AIM, which I prefer...
Hello, I saw evergrey at Jaxx and they were awesome, and so I registered here.....now once I get money I can buy some of their cds....lol......this was my first concert and it was awesome, I was back near the door for Evergrey and Bodom, but I was up front for Iced Earth....for the last half of Iced Earth I was literally leaning on the spearker on the right of the stage, my friend caught a pick from Iced Earth. My mom was out in the lounge at some point and she got me from autographs from some of the evergrey guys! I'm still trying to figure out exactly who....lol....I didn't have a camera, wasn't sure it was allowed, but I think my friend got some with his cell phone, I'm not sure if he was taking pics during evergrey though, if he did I'll try and post them when he gives them to me.....