JayKeeley, clear your inbox!

bumping old threads > creating new ones

bumping uglies with old broads < creating [something clever]
NAD: omg wtf teh J. is teh GAY!!!!111
JayKeeley: omg lolz s000tr000000!!!!!111111111
NAD: lozlzolzozozlzo omgomg!@!!!!!
JayKeeley: omg YESYTYSYS!!!!!!1111lolz
Were your inbox not full I'd be PMing you about a tribute thingy I want to do in the next few weeks.


I had a.... about 8 year love affair, 1992 - 2000, and I still respect them HIGHLY.
Dude it's totally past 3:30am out here!

Fuck me, I need to have another smoke, listen to about 5 more Pantera songs, choke it, and go to god damn bed. Fookin' 'ell.
One Inch Man said:
I had a.... about 8 year love affair, 1992 - 2000, and I still respect them HIGHLY.
Mine was about 1990-1995 or so, yeah, I guess it was longer than 3 years. I lost interest about the time they got more nu-metalish I guess. But loved Dimebag. It was Phil that I was "eh" about.