JAYKEELEY!!!!! What are you doing Sat. night?


nursing my wounds
Apr 15, 2002
The Ridge
BENT BROTHER (a.k.a. TWISTED SISTER) To Play New Jersey - Jan. 28, 2004

BENT BROTHER — TWISTED SISTER's evil twin (essentially a makeup-less version of the real thing) — will be re-emerging from the ashes of infamy to perform on Saturday, January 31 at The Shark Bar at Double Ds in Morristown, New Jersey. For more information and directions, call (973) 326-9554.
Actually, for a night out, it sounds like a laugh, as long as they're playing a similar set list to what you saw at Wacken. Amman was raving on about that for weeks.
JayKeeley said:
Actually, for a night out, it sounds like a laugh, as long as they're playing a similar set list to what you saw at Wacken. Amman was raving on about that for weeks.
It probably will be the same or close to the same setlist since Twisted isn't really touring and are basically just making special appearences here and there.

The set at Wacken slayed. What a huge bonus it was for me personally as I was dreading that set the entire time. They totally won me over with their passion and energy and simple, yet so damn catchy sing-a-longs. And dammit if Dee Snider isn't a fantastic frontman. He absolutely had the crowd in the palm of his hand.
With the exception of possibly 1 song here or there, they play the same setlist these days every show. My Wacken boot and my DVD boot from South Korea are identical.

Though, since this is billed as kind of a "secret show," who knows what they may bring...?
I saw this Bent Brother version about a year ago at Lamours .. and must say that they ruled!!! You have to see this.
Those old farts can give many a band a run for their money in a live setting. Go check them out if you can.