Jazz & Jazz Fusion recs

My introduction to fusion was Billy Cobhams Spectrum album. Thats "fusion" and Im really not sure how much jazz jazz that stuff actually was, maybe it just sounds different because it was electronic but I rather think they were doing their own thing.

Cobham and Hammer came out of Mahavishnu Orchestra prior to the "Spectrum" album and Mahavishnu was some pretty radical stuff. Jerry Goodman was a sick young violin player.
"Inner Mounting Flame"
"Birds of Fire"

Later with Ponty on violin, different drummer and keyboards
"Vision of the Emerald Beyond"

thats as far as my experience go with them

To me Chick Coreas band Return to Forever - Romantic Warrior is a must have. They were different from Mahavishnu, more refined, some Latin touches showing through, a soft and hard side, often mixed. This introduces the great Stanley Clark on bass and Al DiMeola on guitar.

Al DiMeolas later solo stuff was good adding more Latin feel
Land of the Midnight Sun
Elegant Gypsy
Splendido Hotel

Jean Luc Pontys solo albums I liked alot to, these were more spacy, atmospheric in a Pink Floyd kind of way at times, his classical training showed some influence. I'm fimiliar with these three.
Imaginary Voyage
Enigmatic Ocean
Cosmic Messenger

Jeff Becks "Blow by Blow" and "Wired" were great fusion albums

there are others Im less fimiliar with

Dixie Dregs was a whole nother ball of wax, adding southern rock, bluegrass and classical touches, more refined, more compositions rather than the jam oriented early fusion and much less abrasive to the ears.
"Free Fall"
"What If"
are must haves in my book

Thats the old origional electronic fusion and all Im really fimiliar with. Pat Metheny and Allen Holdsworth have been at it for years but I just dont have any of their music to advise by.

Gamalon is one of my favorite nitch bands that were doing fusion in the late 80's. Their self titled and Aerial View are quite good. The self titled more radical in old school fashion and is an amazing guitar album, Aerial view is more blended.

Lets not forget Frank Zappa, possibly the leading man in amplified jazzy bizarreness... but Frank was all over the map... pun intended. Pontys first American gig was with Zappas band. Steve Vai came through Zappas bands as well.

I have no idea what the current scene is
Im not into alot of jazz and fusion but I always seek to find more things. I too like Mahavishnu Orchestra. It seems to be a standard answer for people who look to explore jazz fusion from a more rock perspective.

I own Miles Davis "bitches brew" which is nice and atmospheric but was abit hard to get into (at least for me).

Esbjörn Svensson Trio (or E.S.T.) was a great swedish jazzy band. Esbjörn Svensson himself tragically died a few years ago but their stuff is top-notch and they gained a good reputation in the jazz scene and success outside of it as well.
I wish I could figure out why I can get vids on this site, I have been through my settings and must be missing something. I would like to hear these songs you linked.

Is it just through UM that they won't play or is it youtube.com clips altogether? If it's just though UM, just click where it says You Tube at the top of the black box and it should open a new window or tab with the youtube.com page that the clip appears. If your computer won't play any videos at all, your video card is most likely fucked.
OK... so I feel stupid... I never even pointed, I didnt see the start button and just assumed.

But to answer your question, yes this black screen is just happening on this site and only recently with the advent of this lap top, the deck top always showed the screen and the play button.

I like that Brecker Brothers but never had much experience with it. I know they or one of them did a few tracks on Spectrum.

You would love that Tropea album too then STN, I looked awhile ago and couldnt find a note or even mention of that album on wiki. Might be a bit smoother for your tastes but it was funky and what I felt was pretty unique guitar voicing, excellent bass/drum tracks which I know you would enjoy.
This what you're talking about?


It's not bad in a 70's discofunkporn sorta way. Cheers for the rec.
Funny, I found that one last night after I made that post and almost came back and said I found one but its not the right song. Same basic idea but not one of the songs that stood out. I also made that disco connection while listening to it. I dont remember this song actually its been decades since I heard the album but last year I got together with my old buddy and he had a handful of songs from that on a CD he put together. I think he told me it can still be bought on line. I have always wondered if bands like Tropea and Weather Report were at the forefront of what became the modern smooth jazz sound but I suppose smoother jazz goes way back to Pass, Fitzgerald and prolly even earlier.

The porn connection is funny... you can easily visualize the "scene"... not that I ever watched any 70's and 80's porn......