Yeah, no offense but I'm honestly not that excited for the album sadly. The first was good and all and I'm sure this one will be entertaining, but it's just going to be cool riffs with tons and tons of soloing over them (5 string sweeps, diminished arpeggios, quick phrases with a bend etc). Without vocals and a song structure built that way it just feels like one big solo. Jeff is an amazing guitarist and musician, but for me I'm starting to feel like so much of metal now is just people with their protools writing cool backings and then soloing over it. The dynamic of some band getting together and pooling their stuff together doesn't happen as much with all the collaborations/solo projects etc and now so many cd's to me feel solid and good but devoid of a lot of energy (bands making music to get signed and get out there instead of just jamming the fuck out organically and then getting picked up). I've been reverting to just listening to oldschool metal for that raw energy. I'd rather listen to Dave Mustaine tweaked out of his fucking mind playing insane riffs with other fucked up musicians on Killing is my business and feel that pure energy than listen to one of the millions of solo albums/side projects out there (though I know that this all isn't a new phenomenon).
I still hope the album does well and I'm sure people will enjoy it and hell I probably will as well, just not as much.