Jenna Jameson


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Wow, I bet this thread really pisses off the Opeth-board-purists among us! (Wait, I'm so confused on this whole Wolff thing -- wasn't he whining about non-opeth threads? :err: )

Anyway, while we're on the subject of Jenna Jameson, I can't help but respond -- I think Jenna's fame as a "hot pornstar" is just as unwarranted as Fred Durst's fame as an "innovative rocker." I don't understand her fame!!!! She's all right, looks-wise, but there are so many better-looking porn chicks! And she's such a goddamn primadonna in her scenes! She's only done a handfull of movies compared to most porn actresses.

Ok, I've definitely said too much. Either that or I'll suddenly be the most popular girl on the board! ("Woah, she listens to Opeth and watches porn?") :D
Originally posted by Lina
Wow, I bet this thread really pisses off the Opeth-board-purists among us! (Wait, I'm so confused on this whole Wolff thing -- wasn't he whining about non-opeth threads? :err: )

Anyway, while we're on the subject of Jenna Jameson, I can't help but respond -- I think Jenna's fame as a "hot pornstar" is just as unwarranted as Fred Durst's fame as an "innovative rocker." I don't understand her fame!!!! She's all right, looks-wise, but there are so many better-looking porn chicks! And she's such a goddamn primadonna in her scenes! She's only done a handfull of movies compared to most porn actresses.

Ok, I've definitely said too much. Either that or I'll suddenly be the most popular girl on the board! ("Woah, she listens to Opeth and watches porn?") :D

I think her fame is not about her looks, but about her personality. How this shows though in porn scenes is sort of a mystery to me... anyway, I saw an interview of hers once and she did seem pretty cool. She has one of those cheerful, perky, playful personalities that can be really cute (yes, I'm a sucker for them). Can't say that I like the implants though--just a matter of principle.
No no no,

I think it's the kind of looks that she has.

Somehow perverts all across america are taken in by that girlish, innocent high school, kind of looks.

Hence the phenomenom of Britney spear pervs and other such things, watching and drooling over "teenie boppers" with their asses hanging out of their catholic school skirts.

Of course she is buxom and has a nice sweet sweet ass. :lol: (I've never really seen a movie of hers though, just a picture here and there and a little of "private parts")
For an unexplainable reason, she is #1 to me.

There are others who look better (but not by a whole hell of alot), but she has a combination of looks/personality that definately comes :headbang: across on the screen. And, yes, those dreaded sex scenes whom no one really cares for :rolleyes: are pretty hot though.

And I personally don't think the implants were a good idea.
Originally posted by Lina
Ok, I've definitely said too much. Either that or I'll suddenly be the most popular girl on the board! ("Woah, she listens to Opeth and watches porn?") :D

I know you've been proposed to before here, but I'm willing to ask the big question online here again. *goes down on one knee* Lina, will you marry? I've no money and I'm crap in bed, but I think I just fell in love with you....:loco:
Well, Satori and I have an "open marriage" and, besides, he's out of town, right? ;) So you can definitely be my boy toy at the very least.

However, my real boyfriend (Dune_666) might have a slight problem with this arrangement. :cool:

Opeth forum - OK, let's take a look at... hum, what's this?
Jenna Jameson?:eek:
Wow, porn and Opeth. Let's take a look at the thread. Hey, now where am I? Love line? Man - a proposal. To someone with an "open marriage" so she can have a real boyfriend and a boy toy.:OMG:

Wow - I guess I can toss my TV now. No more need for that soap opera fix. Days of Our Lives is OK, but it's just a soap opera. But this? Man, this seems so real! Just as real as wrestling.

Now I have the ultimate - listen to Opeth while chatting with Opethians on this great piece of technology - the internet, while all this great personal stuff surrounds me.

I'm in heaven.:lol: :lol:
Originally posted by Bacchus

I think her fame is not about her looks, but about her personality. How this shows though in porn scenes is sort of a mystery to me... anyway, I saw an interview of hers once and she did seem pretty cool. She has one of those cheerful, perky, playful personalities that can be really cute (yes, I'm a sucker for them). Can't say that I like the implants though--just a matter of principle.

Her personaltiy? Gimme a break :rolleyes: I think her fame is not about her looks or her personality, but about the fact that she spreads for bread. My take on the whole hot porn star thing is that guys think that they may actually have a chance with them because they will basically fuck anybody (for the right price of course).

:heh: :heh:Anyways, J. Lo beats the hell outta Jenna Jameson...Now that is one hot slot!!!!:heh: :heh: :heh:
Wow - I guess I can toss my TV now. No more need for that soap opera fix. Days of Our Lives is OK, but it's just a soap opera. But this? Man, this seems so real! Just as real as wrestling.

...You just gave me a great (unrealistic) fantasy. What if Opeth bands members were guests on wrestling? I would fly anywhere to see that in person!