JJ KT77 test!


Mar 30, 2005
Today I changed all the tubes in my Savage 60 and I recorded some sample of the new KT77 set.
Before the change I have a set of Groove Tubes in the power section and Ruby tubes in the pre.
Now I have:
V1 - Tube Town classic v1
V2,V3 - JJ ecc83s
V4 - JJ ecc83s Balanced

V5,V6 - JJ KT77

This is a sample recorded this morning with the old tubes
http://www.sneapforum.celtiaproductions.co.uk/XeS/5-All Foam_Depth Boost.mp3

And this is a clip with new tubes
http://www.sneapforum.celtiaproductions.co.uk/XeS/7-New Tube cranked.mp3

With KT77 the amp sounds more balanced and less fizzy.
Moreover my handmade 2x12 cab sounds amazing cranked!
Here you can find some test of my cab with different foam quantity inside
Dude, that sounds like your dialing in tooooooooo much gain.
I know it can be a lifetime-search for the right gain-settings on Engl-Amps with that "clean gain -> lead gain"-knobs, but thats definitly too much of both ;)

Try that:
Play in the clean-channel and raise the gain-knob on the left side, until it starts sparkling a bit (mostly at about 12 o'clock).
Then play in the lead-channel and adjust the lead-gain to your liking.

You can also try to max the clean-gain and play with a low lead-gain.

I've got Ruby 6l6's in my Savage 60 and JJ's all the way in the pre.
Thank you for the tips. I searched a lot for the right "2 pots gain" setup but I found nothing.
For these clips I used 12o'clock for each pots. Anyway, I had no monitors so I set the gains like a live setting and not like a recording setting (where the gain is lower).
Which do you like more? Old tubes or KT77?
To be honest ... they sound pretty similar to me - at least in the chugga-chuggy-only parts :D
But there seems to be less fizz in that single-note-part. Maybe it's just too overgained to hear significant differences.

Where did you place the mic? My sm57 is straight on the edge of the cone...
Mine too. 1cm from the grille. I didn't experiment different position because I was in my garage and I think my neighbourhood don't love very much an amp cranked :) so I played only little riff in one take..
Ohh nooo I wasnt being mean! Ive been thinking about looking into re-tubing my dual rec with KT77's they seem to be very tasty indeed.