job offer/ Dat conversion


doing it for the kids
Aug 20, 2007
Cleveland OH
So I just got some ADAT's from a recording session that my highschool band did back in like 99. They are probably horrible but i would love to hear whats on these for hilaritys sake. I was wondering if anyone had a adat recorder that they could transfer these to wavs for me to dick with at home on my cubase setup. I dont know how many songs are there or how much work or if its even possible, all i know is its on two of these vhs tape adat things. Can anyone help, or give me some insight?
They are actually ADAT, sorry for the confusion. The box says, ADAT master DA40 digital audio. There are two of them, each 40min. long. However, from what i can recall of the sessions (not much), my guess is there are maybe 2-5 semi completed songs. Can anyone help? and is there any way to edit the thread title to clear up my initial mistake lol