Job offer: mixing/mastering our debut album.


New Metal Member
Apr 22, 2013
Hey everyone!

Finnish DM-band called "Akma" is working on their debut album. We released our first demo (with the current line up) "Medusa" a few years back and one song from the demo was included in Metalhammer magazine's "Best demo songs of the year" -CD.


We have recorded 9,5 songs and now we're looking for a skilled dude to edit/mix/master it. The drums were recorded by a professional and he also did quantization and drum editing. Guitars and bass were recorded in my home studio with Axe-fx. We will record the rest during the next few months. So the timetable for this job is around January-February.
Each song consists of ~20 tracks, some more some less depending on guitar leads and so forth.

There are DI-tracks for all the guitars & basses.

What we're looking from you:
  1. You must have appropirate skillset to make the mix sound professional and tight.
  2. Experience working with DM-bands.
  3. Experience with sampling and modern processed death metal sound.
  4. You must have some interest to help us with the production side on the album as well.
  5. Relatively low rates. This can be discussed if you're very good in what you do.

PM me your offer with your rates and example songs you've worked earlier.
Few example songs of what you'd expect to be working on:

There's just drums, guitars and bass. No mixing on the guitars&bass and only some on the drums.

- Akma
Hey guys!

I've got already plenty of very promising offers. I'll gather a list of the offers and discuss about them with rest of the band and I'll get back to you once we're made up our minds.

Thanks a ton!
I've got around 20 PM's so far and I haven't got time to go through them all, sorry about that. I'll go them trough tomorrow and PM you back if your pricing is within our budget. Cheers!