JOE ELLIOTT On Next DEF LEPPARD Album: 'It's Very Much In The Classic-Rock Mold, But


Purveyor of the Unique & Distinct
Staff member
Sep 30, 2001
Virginia, USA recently conducted an interview with DEF LEPPARD and DOWN 'N' OUTZ singer Joe Elliott. You can now listen to the chat below. Asked how the material for the forthcoming DEF LEPPARD album is sounding so far, Elliott responded: "Varied. Yeah, real good. Some of the stuff sounds absolutely like us. Some of the stuff sounds like things that people our age should be writing these days. So it's a bit of everything, really. Stuff that reminds us of stuff that we grew up listening to. So it's very much in the classic-rock mold, but it's also not stale and sterile." He continued: "For us, it's kind of exciting, because we're doing a lot of stuff that we've never really done before. It's the odd, kind of Merry Clayton kind of… like THE [ROLLING] STONES would use horns on certain songs… Just varying things up a little bit, but it's still essentially got the sound. Because with our guitar sound and my voice, it's a distinctive sound. And Rick's [Allen] drum sound is a distinctive sound. It's the songwriting that is variable, because of everybody's input. It's different. Sav [bassist Rick Savage] writes a certain way, I write a certain way, Phil [Collen, guitar] and Vivian [Campbell, guitar] write a certain way. Even Rick Allen's written stuff on this record, which is really good. So there's a lot of variety there. I'm quite excited at the moment." Elliott added: "Until we kind of get the other six [songs] that are bubbling away that need a little bit more work done, I don't really know what direction it's going in fully, but it's varied. And that's what I've always liked about our records. When you hear an AC/DC record, you know what you're gonna get and it doesn't really veer off that track much. But, say, like a QUEEN record, you can have 'Tie Your Mother Down' and 'You Take My Breath Away' on the same album, and it's almost two different bands. And that's what we like being — more in that direction — [where] we can dip our toe into different sounds."
