Joe Lynn Turner vs David Coverdale: a new feud


Master of Disaster
Staff member
Nov 24, 2002
This is the best bit:
David Coverdale said:
Next he’ll be accusing me of wearing a wig on stage.
That's a "touché" if I ever saw one! :lol:

Pretty much everyone who's seen Whitesnake in the past 3 years have said that Coverdale's vocals have been far from perfect so I can't see how there would be any lip synching going on. He was spot on in 2004 when I saw Whitesnake though.
metalages put a link up for this I read the other day. Its stupid soap opera crap. Never heard much Turner but I didnt really like the one I had of Purple with him. Coverdale seems to have much better tone. Too bad so many of these guys seem to play right into the hands of press gossip, all the drama.

The Megadeth/Metallica drama.... STUPID !
Dio/Campbell.... STUPID !
Like "American Idol" kind of STUPID !
metalages put a link up for this I read the other day. Its stupid soap opera crap. Never heard much Turner but I didnt really like the one I had of Purple with him. Coverdale seems to have much better tone. Too bad so many of these guys seem to play right into the hands of press gossip, all the drama.

The Megadeth/Metallica drama.... STUPID !
Dio/Campbell.... STUPID !
Like "American Idol" kind of STUPID !

all you need to know is JLT still sounds 87% the same as he did 30 years ago while coverdale sounds about 61% the same as he did 30 years ago
Never heard much Turner but I didnt really like the one I had of Purple with him.

I have the Rainbow, Malmsteen and Deep Purple albums with JLT. As much as I really dig those I do believe bands where JLT goes in, usually go softer so I'm not exactly a fan of him. I got several Whitesnake albums and Coverdale vocals are top notch.
So now in 2009 both have lost some vocal steam (like Gillan, Halford and more people), so what?

a) It comes with age and,
b) It's your own problem and nobody's else business.

Now the point you make at the end (stupid) is the real thing in the sense of why you have to bash a fellow musician? If you had a legal problem, if you were fired from a band, if you get drunk and resolve to violence I can understand that bad blood can run between two or more people. But to bash someone out of nowhere is plain and simply...stupid :kickass:

And the metal/rock soap operas are getting really annoying lately, nor that are a new phenomena, just that now with Internet and all they have become more notorious and frequent IMO. And frankly besides selling mags, flame sites and forums and create uncecessary controversy they have no useful purpose at all.
I would be willing to bet this is as much a publicity stunt as anything. JLT and DC probably dreamed this up while they were out drinking beer together.....


This too is the second thing that went through my head after reading about it on Monday, but Im afraid it only makes Turner look bad so I dont think he would go for it.
I am a little like Wyvern on this: I really like JLT's voice, but he tends to get the band going a little too much in the melodic direction. The work with YJM was an exception. Yngwie actually needed a little toning down at the time. I thought YJM and JLT were a match made in heaven. Too bad it only lasted one studio release and a live one.

I thought YJM and JLT were a match made in heaven. Too bad it only lasted one studio release and a live one.


I disagree I think Yngwie should have continued with Boals or Soto, the Turner albums are extremely mellow and commercial oriented IMO. Mike Vescera (to whom I think Yngwie didn't approach to his whole potential like Roland Grapow did) era was weak and I don't like those albums much, but still are better stuff than the JLT era. The rest of Yngwie vocalists had done well IMO, some albums have come bad like TWTEAW (but I blame Yngwie for it).
Well, its been awhile but he sounded like a pop metal vocalist to me. Like Don Doken or the guy from White Lion... Mike ?. Too clean, too sweet, not enough grit in his voice, not enough punch. I think I have the Yngwie tape with him on it, Yngwie is another who had few songs that grabed me so they never get played either.

Coverdale had grit and alot of stenght in his voice. But again I have to pick and choose songs there too.
Yeah in the Yngwie days it was way better. And the age thing is true, though check this out
Starkers in Tokyo was awesome and DC wasn't in "concert mode.
Also check this out

it's JLT singing, some small project he must of done in the 80's. It says it was released in 1998 but it sounds way older. Regardless he never sings like this on any of the Rainbow stuff... it's really gritty for him.
Bottom line.. they're both amazing but talking sctuff about a fellow musician: not cool.
this is hilarious. Coverdale owns as a vocalist though. haven't heard the other guy. any recs?

you've never heard JLT? wtf:erk:

he's on evey rainbow album from 1980-1984. he's on yngwie mlamsteens odyssey. he has a lot of solo albums. he recorded 2 album with glenn hughes as the hughes/turner project. he's on deep purples albums slaves and masters.