JOE PERRY On STEVEN TYLER: As Far As I Know, He Has Read My Book


Purveyor of the Unique & Distinct
Staff member
Sep 30, 2001
Virginia, USA
AEROSMITH's Joe Perry says that he believes Steven Tyler has read the guitarist's autobiography despite the AEROSMITH frontman's assertion to the contrary.Tyler recently told TMZ that he had no interest in reading "Rocks: My Life In And Out Of Aerosmith", explaining that had "to go onstage with [Perry] next year." He added: "I wanna love the son of a bitch."When it was suggested to Tyler that could wait until after the tour to read the book, the singer shrugged and replied, "I might. He hasn't read mine either."Asked by Melissa Parker of Smashing Interviews magazine what the story is behind Tyler's claim that he will not read Perry's memoir, Joe responded: "As far as I know, Steven has read the book, from what I have gathered. Actually he texted me and said he read the first four chapters and really liked it. He said the packaging was very good as well as the pictures and art and all that stuff. Those are the kinds of things he would notice. That's the best information I can give you."Perry also spoke about his current relationship with Tyler, telling Smashing Interviews: "It's pretty much what it is. You can love your brother, but you don't have to like him."He continued: "We have our ups and downs. He'll say stuff in the press, and I'll think, 'What the hell is he talking about?' Next time I see him, it's all hugs and kisses. "We know the band is bigger than our ups and downs. If anything, it has been a learning process in how to deal with each other's personalities. That's one of the reasons I wanted to write the book because people hear stuff about Joe and Steven not getting along."Joe added: "Somebody just asked me if the band was still together a couple of weeks ago, so there's all kinds of stuff floating around out there. It has been one of the things that have made it hard to keep together for forty years. "There are not too many bands out there that are touring all the time that manage to keep the same guys in the band, the same lineup that was there in 1971. That takes a lot of work. It's as simple as that. You learn how to adjust, as you get older. You go from being a teenager with no responsibilities to middle aged with wives and girlfriends, and then you become fathers and grandfathers. We've all had that side of our lives, and we've had to reconcile that with this rock and roll thing, which is a timeless kind of music. I truly believe it helps keep you young. "When we walk on stage together, I look over and see the same guys I saw forty years ago, and there's no age involved. It's just about playing and putting on the best show we can for our fans. It's kind of a unique club to be in, and there are only four other guys in it."Tyler's "Does The Noise In My Head Bother You?" autobiography was issued in 2011, while the band's drummer, Joey Kramer, had his own tale, "Hit Hard: A Story Of Hitting Rock Bottom At The Top", published in 2009. AEROSMITH bassist Tom Hamilton is also working on a book.
