Joemeek TwinQ

Grave Desire

Mar 10, 2005
Pittsburgh, PA
Has anyone here ever used a Joemeek twinQ? I posted a while ago about getting a good 2 channel interface for backing vocals and recording DI's to then take to another studio to reamp, and after suggestions from other people It seems the best way for me to go is with the Joemeek twinq.

I would run it s/pdif into my firewire 410 to avoid the not so great a/d converters on the 410. Probably would sync the 410 to the twinq also.

Anyone care to share their expieriences?

I was also looking at the grace design 2 channel pre with a/d converters but it's a much bigger jump in price..and with the joemeek there is a compressor which would make vocal tracking more convienient.

any thoughts/suggestions would be appriciated!

I have it, I run it off S/PDIF coax, clocking from my fireface. The pre amps are much, much more powerful than any I have on my firestudio. They sound very good, warm, vintage type thing. I like this unit a lot and I cant wait to use it on vocals.

The compressor/meequalizer are VERY powerful tools to mess up in the wrong hands. Im just getting to know the unit but sofar its been a smooth ride :headbang:
Cool. I have heard from a few people that the meters are kind of hard to follow and your best using your ear, especially with the compressor. But everyone says it does sound really good so I feel once I get the cash...i'll go for it.

Yes, there seems to be a kind of 'lag' in the meters, stuff doesnt reach it as fast as I'd like but I prefer those type of meters to anything digital, to be honest.