Joey Belladonna singing Sinatra

When I first read the article I was like WTF? a metal version of Sinatra.

Sinatra is awesome, but some things just don't need metal versions. I listened to it, it started off a little weak, and then I was like damn, this is pretty good.
Hope he doesn't sing THIS offkey on the Anthrax record...god does this suck ass...

I agree. I don't think he will. This was Frank Sinatra. Joey has proven live with Anthrax that he still has 'it'. This particular song though is fucking awful! If he sounds like this on the new Anthrax I will throw up
I agree. I don't think he will. This was Frank Sinatra. Joey has proven live with Anthrax that he still has 'it'. This particular song though is fucking awful! If he sounds like this on the new Anthrax I will throw up

Well to be honest it's not only the vocals. The music sounds like it was recorded at somebody's house with a cheap PC.
(which it probably was anyway)
Well to be honest it's not only the vocals. The music sounds like it was recorded at somebody's house with a cheap PC.
(which it probably was anyway)

Probably exactly how it was done. I can promise there was little to no budget for this song. If I was Joey i'd never let a song like this be put out. Not only does it look bad for him but could freak out fans like you Jonnie that already are terrified of his vocals on the new Anthrax.
Probably exactly how it was done. I can promise there was little to no budget for this song. If I was Joey i'd never let a song like this be put out. Not only does it look bad for him but could freak out fans like you Jonnie that already are terrified of his vocals on the new Anthrax.

I've been looking forward to a new Anthrax album with Joey, but this attempt to kill a Sinatra tune (and heavy metal) kind of got me a bit worried at first. It just sounds so strange, forced and awkward. It kinda sounds like he's developed a lower range over the years, but desperatly tries to hit the high notes like he did back in the day.

Still, as has been pointed out previously there are some rather good live clips on youtube that pretty much prove that Joey can still pull it off.

The Sinatra cover album seems like a pretty daft idea in general. However, I must say that Devin Townsends take on New York, New York is really good.
Both "Strangers in the night" and "New York, New York" sound like they were done weird on purpose. I must say that I don´t get the idea of metal singers covering Sinatra at all...