Joey has gotten better!! (Of mice & Men Albums)

Sep 8, 2011
Los Angeles, CA
Ok, I'm a big fan of joeys work. I always try to learn from him as much as I can so I can use my knowledge to make my own sound. I'm a big fan of of mice and men, and while comparing the 2 albums Joey recorded for them, I think the 2nd one (the flood) is so much better produced. I even think the second album fits the band more than the first.

The first album, the guitars were crunchy and very high in the mid range area. The guitars were very "pod present". The bass wasn't really that present, and there weren't really that many effects or extra "sparkles" on the mix.

The flood is a different story. Guitars are thick and heavier sounding. Different tone in general. Low mids, the bass is fucking kicking you in the chest, and the drums are much more clear and present. I really like this album because in my opinion it really fits the band. Whenever I would see them play, they would always sound like they were supposed to be a heavier band (prior the flood). Now when I see them play, I know exactly what I'm in stored for because they play the flood just the way it sounds on the album. I also like shayleys clean vocals better on this album, although some of the melodies are not as good as in their self titled album.

What do u think Joey changed production wise? Did any drum samples change? I was on stickam with Tino (the drummer) and he said te drums were going to be heavier on this album. I'm wondering if this was the cause of different samples or a different approach to mixing the drums.

You think he used the same amp and cab combo? They sound so different.

Does Joey frequently switch amps and cabs? Or does he usually stick with Cali but with different post processing. I'm very interested. Thanks guys!
As much as everyone loves the bass in The Flood and so do I, I have to say that it's a bit overpowering as opposed to the first album. I preferred the sound of the first album a little more as well. There is something about the new one that bothers me.