Joey's Singing the National Anthem in Minnesota 12/12/04


Mar 23, 2004
New York
I just saw on that Joey Belladonna will be singing the national anthem before the Minnesota Vikings and the Seattle Seahawks game on 12/12/04 at the Metrodome. Cool shit, huh? Who'd have thought that a guy who used to sing for Anthrax would be singing the anthem. I say good for him. I hope to catch it.
Someone is always announced to sing the National Anthem at all major sporting events. Sometimes it is a C-list celebrity, a local pageant queen, former player, military servicemen, etc, etc. It is only on teevee it is like the playoffs or it is an A-list celebrity. So, no, you won't be seeing Joey on tv.
actually if you have Direct Tv and the NFL season ticket, you will see the national anthem played. I get all the games and I would say pretty much every game I hear the anthem played.

TD said:
Someone is always announced to sing the National Anthem at all major sporting events. Sometimes it is a C-list celebrity, a local pageant queen, former player, military servicemen, etc, etc. It is only on teevee it is like the playoffs or it is an A-list celebrity. So, no, you won't be seeing Joey on tv.
muffytheVampirelayer said:
actually if you have Direct Tv and the NFL season ticket, you will see the national anthem played. I get all the games and I would say pretty much every game I hear the anthem played.
Right, that is because you are getting the direct feed. Just like if you watch and NBA game on the teams flagship network, you will see the anthem as well. But, if it is a game on ESPN, TNT, NBC, CBS, et al, anthem time is studio time. Hence: I said it won't be on national television.
hmm...... last i heard of joey was his 'spells of fear' cd from 1998. if i remember it was kinda crappy. even with local drum hero stet howland. i'll have toss it in my cd player and listen to it before band practice tonight.
on another note, i recently saw stet's new band 'carnival of souls'. they were ok.
what else has belladonna done?? i honestly lost track of him. i heard he was actually singing in a 'thrax tribute band. say it ain't so joe...........
I saw him touring with the tribute band and they were really good, really tight. It certainly brought back memories. Joey looked and sounded exactly the same. He's still really short too.
lespaulbass666 said:
i just think it's a shame, to be playing in a tribute band of a band you used to be in. i also heard a rumor that the drummer from iron maiden was playing in one of the maiden tribute bands while still in maiden. i find that hard to believe.
They do originals but its true.
I was at the Vikings game Sunday and Joey did an OUTSTANDING job!

If I heard the P.A. guy correctly, he was announced as the former lead singer of the Grammy award WINNING band Anthrax. If I remember right it should have been Grammy nominated, however I am sure it wasn't Joeys fault, just written or read incorrectly.

Decent crowd response to the introduction and I did notice a few people giving the horns! :headbang:

I was afraid that he may perform the Anthem too high-pitched, love ballad-ish, and Journey-esque. Not the case at all. It was sung straight-forward and STRONG, in a serious tone, with a surprising amount of BALLS!!!

Vikings Pro Bowl center Matt Birk has a regular Monday morning game review on the local rock station. The first thing he did was change the topic to mention: 1) how surprised he was to see Joey from Anthrax was there to sign the Anthem; 2) how kick-ass the performance was! Birk is more of a country music fan who is exposed to a lot of rock/metal/rap in the weight room, so I think his excited review speaks volumes.

I wish I had brought a camera to post at least a few pics. Hopefully someone on the Metrodome crew records the Anthem performances for the singers and it becomes available so all the other Anthrax fans can hear it.
There's a story on with some dick saying that Joey butchered the words when he was singing the anthem. Who knows? - It'd be cool to see some vid footage of him performing it though.
Thats cool Joey got to do that. He always did have an amazing voice.

Tell me its not true he was in an Anthrax tribute band, Please tell me its not true. :erk:
timmyc said:
He was (or still is).

It's true, found this on their homepage:
It's like a scene from a movie......three members of Among the Living - The World's Greatest Anthrax Tribute Band are touring with Joey Belladonna - - the original lead singer of ANTHRAX!!!

(it was 2003)
freakbrother6969 said:

It's true, found this on their homepage:
It's like a scene from a movie......three members of Among the Living - The World's Greatest Anthrax Tribute Band are touring with Joey Belladonna - - the original lead singer of ANTHRAX!!!

(it was 2003)
It happens otherwise in the movies. This is pathetic.