Johan Hegg says America is Right Wing and Christianity is Bullshit!

I hate the way that page is set up, you practically have to read it backwards :lol:

seems pretty interesting though, I may give it a read eventually...
I can't say I quite agree with some of Johan's statements.

I don't think being anti-christian is "rebel" at all. Its actually starting to be quite the norm, considered more or less "cool", at least where I'm from. I don't know about Sweden, but considering how much more liberal they are than most other countries, I'd expect that trend to be even stronger there among the youth. I understand that what Johan actually is saying is that kids think they're rebels by criticizing the church, but for me all they are really is sheep. I believe hard catholics and such are more rebel to western society than say the average anarchist wannabe. I'm not defending the christians here, I'd rather they didn't exist, but I'm just trying to be rational.

Also, I highly doubt that leftist bands in the US have a hard time. Maybe they do in some southern village, but in California, New York and the likes they practically dominate the music industry...
Heya, Celtik!

Who exactly are these "leftist bands" in Cali and NY? Last time I heard anything like that was Dead Kennedys (1978), and they sure as heck didn't get any commercial airplay!

As for the politics in your native France, your friends in the National Front make our Republicans look like Socialists - n'est–ce pas?

And about this interview - in the part that went up today, Johan distances Amon Amarth from what he calls "pagan folklore music" and implies that they're a little trapped by the whole viking thing. What, what?
Heya, Celtik!

Who exactly are these "leftist bands" in Cali and NY? Last time I heard anything like that was Dead Kennedys (1978), and they sure as heck didn't get any commercial airplay!

As for the politics in your native France, your friends in the National Front make our Republicans look like Socialists - n'est–ce pas?

And about this interview - in the part that went up today, Johan distances Amon Amarth from what he calls "pagan folklore music" and implies that they're a little trapped by the whole viking thing. What, what?

The National Front doesn't run the country, so comparing them to an American party which frequently holds office isn't very relevant. But if you do want to play this game, well your friends in the NSM (National Socialist Movement) make our National Front guys look like Sesamy Street. Also, I may add that the National Front is quite social in its ideas, and not an ultra-capitalistic party like the Republicans, so you've got it backwards about that. Actually, the National Front is more socialist than the French Socialist Party.

Also, when I was talking about leftists dominating the music industry, I did specify "music industry"... so that does mean all types of music... when you got Madonna adopting an african baby, and all these pop stars promoting the democrat agenda, I was under the impression they weren't Republican. (let me just specify that for me, "leftists" aren't only "ultra-leftists" like communists or whatever... a democrat Obama supporter is a leftist. No harm in that btw. Just letting you know that they belong to what i call leftist Americans). Yet I'm pretty confident that in the hardcore and even metal scene, bands which are leftist and perhaps even some who promote leftist ideals, don't have such a hard time in these "progressive" states and cities. But I must admit, I don't live in the US so yes, I'm supposing. I'm not only thinking about famous, platinum selling bands, but also local ones. I'm guessing you can find local bars, pubs and concert rooms with leftist punk, hardcore and metal bands fairly easily in NYC, LA, SF or whatever. Now what you're implying is that metalheads in the US all hate leftists which would make their existence difficult?

Nice to see that you specifically created an account to answer me. I guess my post got you all pumped up for some reason.
Celtik Militia -

Now I get it!

You list yourself as "Dumb French Bastard," defend the National Front, call yourself a "militia," and say Madonna is a "leftist" for adopting an African baby?

Clearly, you're making fun of right-wing French racists! I just didn't get the humor of your Avatar before now.....

Celtik Militia -

Now I get it!

You list yourself as "Dumb French Bastard," defend the National Front, call yourself a "militia," and say Madonna is a "leftist" for adopting an African baby?

Clearly, you're making fun of right-wing French racists! I just didn't get the humor of your Avatar before now.....


I'm merely stating facts and opinions. Where did I defend the National Front here? You obviously don't have the knowledge to debate about this party, or about French politics in general, which is normal because you don't live here and probably have other interests...

You could have debated my opinion of american leftist bands not having so much of a hard time, because indeed, I'm just supposing. But instead you chose to get all emotional about it for obscure reasons.

PS : I'm pretty sure Madonna is a democrat... also, "leftist" isn't an insult, get over it.
I would be insulted if someone called me a leftist. Rocker you are nuts if you don't think most bands are leftist in the US. The funny thing is their views are left but their business is capitalism. I don't see many of them giving up their wealth for the common good.

As for Christianity having a strong hold in America, it is probably true but I think it will die with all other religions within a generation or two. Science (and I mean real science not scientology) is surpassing mythical beliefs.

If bands (death metal, Swedish metal and the like) are under the impression that religion is the reason their music is not as popular in America as it is in Europe, they are misinformed. It does not get promoted here. I have gone to see Amon Amarth every time they are in driving distance of my home in Maryland but if I did not look up the concerts online, I would have never known about them.

In Europe you get festivals like Wacken with multiple stages and twenty plus bands over three days. In America we get cramped, stinking hot, one room clubs with three bands if we are lucky. If you want to have more success in America, than you have to spend a little money up front. Do a little promoting. Have a real death metal festival and promote the hell out of it before hand. It may not take off the first year but it will catch on. There plenty of death metal fans in America. You just have to reach out.
. In America we get cramped, stinking hot, one room clubs with three bands if we are lucky. If you want to have more success in America, than you have to spend a little money up front. Do a little promoting. Have a real death metal festival and promote the hell out of it before hand.

Like MDF? or NorthwestDeathFest? Chicago Powerfest? or the New England Metal and Hardcore Festival?
Or Scion Rock Fest?

I know they're nor all death metal festivals, but not everyone is a pure 'deathmetalhead' either...
Is MDF supposed to be Maryland Death Fest? Because if it is, then you are sorely misinformed about it. It is held at a two room club called Sonar. Again cramped and stinking hot in the middle of the cesspool called Baltimore City. They usually have one known "has been" band and the rest are garage bands. I think last year’s known "has been" band was Nuclear Assault and they were so drunk that it was an insult to their concerts from the early 90s. There is no way to truly consider this a festival or even a real concert. The fact that you have to have someone watching your car so it is not stolen or vandalized makes it more a hassle then a concert.

As for the others you listed, I won't comment since they are a bit out of my driving range and I have not been to them although you do have me researching them. If I find they are real death metal festivals then I may have to try to get to them since they are at least on the same continent.
More or less true. We have a Christian fundamentalist in the US for every terrorist of another religion out there. Different actions might be taken, but certainly opposition to leftist/out-of-the norm bands is a frequently used tool. There are a host of bands who wont tour the US because of reactionary actions by right wing activists. Same can be said with protests by left wing activists outside of political rallies. Politics and religion of the US are ever shifting.