John Arch as Watchtower singer?

Yep, that's true. I talked to John about joining Watchtower, but I can't even remember if it was before we got Alan Tecchio, or after the "Control And Resistance" recording and touring. John was very cool, but declined. It sounded like he just wasn't into being in a band anymore, which is totally understandable. But it is very cool that he did find some time to record his solo EP last year.

That would have been really cool if Tower had recorded any material with John. He is truly one of the best singers ever.
His solo EP is one of the best releases of 2003 and I look forward to his album. I hope he won't make us wait for so long again.
Or IS he? Hehe. Personally, I cannot stand the guy's voice. Nor Alan Tecchio's nor Jason McMaster's. But hey, I'm picky and can't name more than maybe 6 good singers I've heard. Good singers is the most rare element in the universe, I believe.