Thats the problem. Kerry is taking the Gore approach to presidential politics: Vote for me, because I am not a moron. I am boring, and I will not take a firm stance on anything. I am longwinded and somwhat aloof from the common man; but I am not Bush.

The horrible truth is- I am voting for Kerry.
Did somebody say Gore?


That's why I hate neo-conservatives, they use all the writings and teachings concerning traditional American ideals that I agree with (Jaffa, Strauss, and others), and then add in bombs. Attack freedom. Gay.
You see, the US allows ANYONE to run for President. As long as you're born here, and you're at least 40, you can run for President. So why do you ALWAYS end up having to scrape the barrel with what's on offer? Is this truly the best this country has to offer?

And how is it possible that swing-votes even exist? Here's the case: you've got Bush now, and based on the last four years with him running the country, do you really want him running for another four? If yes, then vote for him! If no, then vote for Kerry and realize that voting for any third party candidate is a wasted vote in this day and age.

Someone needs to induce mass hypnosis* on the American public and make them realize that if they want a radical change, then they're ALL going to have to vote radically differently. I GUARANTEE that Republicans will vote for Bush just because of the party he represents, and likewise with Kerry for the Democrats.

Traditional voting is teh lame, but America is caught in its riptide.
The modern American voter is static. Jefferson was right, we need a revolution every 30 years to keep everyone on their toes.
all the times I have been to vote, I have always been the youngest one there.
I live in an area with a lot of young people and families, but all I see is people 50 and over going out to vote.

you know, if Kerry makes a case for himself in the next few months, I will vote for him ... otherwise I am skipping the polls altogether this year.

fuck Bush, but he was right on one thing at his RNC speech ... he might not do things right, but at least "we know" he is a fuckup.
The site's excessively long URL says it all...I'm no admirer of Kerry and I think his campaign has fucked up royally on some key points (if he doesn't develop some backbone instead of trying to appease everyone soon, we're officially fucked), but I feel voting for him is imperative to ensure Bush's defeat, and I have supported third-party candidates in the past.
Who gives a fuck if the candidate is "boring" or not? What in the fuck does that have to do with making decisions that affect our kids and future kids? That is the fundamental problem with American politics, too many dipshits are allowed to take part in the process. Granted, I don't have the solution, but I know for fact that this country (and the global community, for that matter) would've been a hell of alot better off with 4 more years of Clinton/Gore style government in 2000.

And to lurch, dude what are you thinking? So, knowing that Bush is a fuckup is better than taking a chance? Man, I like my odds, betting on Kerry is one gamble I will gladly take. Just what is it that he needs to make a case about? That is one of the MAIN problems I have with the media, the two parties, everyone involved.... I keep hearing, America still doesn't know who John Kerry is..... WTF??????????????????? Were these people not listening the first, second and twenty-fifth time around???

The man is NOT Bush, pure and simple.

Papa Josh said:
Who gives a fuck if the candidate is "boring" or not? What in the fuck does that have to do with making decisions that affect our kids and future kids? That is the fundamental problem with American politics, too many dipshits are allowed to take part in the process. Granted, I don't have the solution, but I know for fact that this country (and the global community, for that matter) would've been a hell of alot better off with 4 more years of Clinton/Gore style government in 2000.
I said to a mate at work, "You vote for these people to be ruled by them, not to be entertained by them".

I'd like to see Arnold Schwarzenegger become President...I think it is fitting that Conan the Barbarian should rule the strongest nation in the world. Only Conan is fit for the task.
Double :lol: :lol: for Ayeka... Otherwise, I agree very much with Papa's previous post... Also, every politician in Sweden is about as boring as a slab of concrete... Which doesn't bother me really
Likewise with Canada, I mean more Canadians know more about American politics than Canadian, I mean who gives a shit about Canada? I don't see Kerry as boring, but that's from my ultra-boring Canadian standards.

Anyways, they're both unqualified, but vote kerry anyways.
There was talk about getting an Amendment to the Constitution so that non-natural born citizens could run for president, as in Schwartzisbigger. Being governor of California is commonly thought of as a stepping stone on the way to running for president. There's no way it would happen (the political process behind Amendments is pretty steep), but it was discussed.

*14 years in the future, President Schwartzisbigger is attacked by a sniper during a speech*
secret service: "MR. PRESIDENT, GET DOWN!"
Schasrzhthgbioer: "Zat is MY line!"
Adrian said:
There was talk about getting an Amendment to the Constitution so that non-natural born citizens could run for president, as in Schwartzisbigger. Being governor of California is commonly thought of as a stepping stone on the way to running for president. There's no way it would happen (the political process behind Amendments is pretty steep), but it was discussed.

*14 years in the future, President Schwartzisbigger is attacked by a sniper during a speech*
secret service: "MR. PRESIDENT, GET DOWN!"
Schasrzhthgbioer: "Zat is MY line!"
Either that or he revisits his old film Commando for tactical maneuvers...

He did dodge more bullets than I've ever seen in my whole life.:tickled:

Americans attach great importance to the cult of personality when voting for president. If a American thinks they personally could trust the guy, go fishing with them, whatever, they will vote for him. This is why Kerry being a boring flip flopper is important in our society. Of course this is my view on the whole thing.