Who gives a fuck if the candidate is "boring" or not? What in the fuck does that have to do with making decisions that affect our kids and future kids? That is the fundamental problem with American politics, too many dipshits are allowed to take part in the process. Granted, I don't have the solution, but I know for fact that this country (and the global community, for that matter) would've been a hell of alot better off with 4 more years of Clinton/Gore style government in 2000.
And to lurch, dude what are you thinking? So, knowing that Bush is a fuckup is better than taking a chance? Man, I like my odds, betting on Kerry is one gamble I will gladly take. Just what is it that he needs to make a case about? That is one of the MAIN problems I have with the media, the two parties, everyone involved.... I keep hearing, America still doesn't know who John Kerry is..... WTF??????????????????? Were these people not listening the first, second and twenty-fifth time around???
The man is NOT Bush, pure and simple.