Johnny Ramone passed away..


Evil Decepticon
Jun 17, 2003
St Marys,PA
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Today we unfortunately yet again lost another Ramone. Johnny Ramone (guitar) has passed away today battling prostrate cancer,,,Everyone, dig out your Ramones and pay tribute.........

R.I.P Johnny,Joey, and, Dee Dee
Dude, I was listening to Indie 103.1 on the way home last night and they played like an hour straight of the Ramones. And the broken in with a tribute from a listener, who I swore said Joey not Johnny. I thougth for some reason it was a Joey tribute because they had just had the Ramones 30th Anniversary party here in LA. Boy am I dense.

RIP Johnny. Wish the Ramones could've played with Anthrax.
A couple nights ago I listened to Anthrax's version of "We're a Happy Family" then I saw that Johnny died on the news.
I love The Ramones!