Jonas' playlist

The only band I've heard of in that list is Godspeed You Black Emperor which I've heard plays some kind of indierock (?). What kind of music is those other bands. Anyone you would particularly recommend?
I saw "Cave in" live some months ago (very nice gig by the way) and Antenna is a very good album, a band worth to check out.

Woven Hand is also good, and as far as the others I have to admit my I'm going to check them out, since usually through Jonas play list I had discovered very interesting bands...
'Out Of Season' its an album of Beth Gibbons (ex-Portishead) - very good one. 4,5+/5
'El Cielo' (2002) by Dredg. Interesting stuff. I would call them like progressive post-grunge. 4/5
The White Birch - 'Star Is Just A Sun' Im always was a fun of Ola Flottum. Hard to describe their music... maybe "anti-cannibal corpse" ;) folk rock prolly. I think Jonas like their for lyrics also. 4/5
Cave In - 'Antenna' They always sound for me like Foo Fighters clone... in good sense. Something like Rapture - Katatonai, well u know. 3+/5 (cos I like their previous "Jupiter" more)
Timesbold - 'Timesbold' Indie folk. Very soft stuff, check it if you wish, but Jonas have specific taste u know. 3/5
Godspeed You Black Emperor! - 'Yanqui U.X.O' This canadians became very popular in last year (especially in France. maybe cos band is from Quebec). High quality space rock, good for relax and background music. 4,5+/5
After reading all this and the threads before it, I wonder how come you guys always listen everything these guys do, although most of you haven't even heard these artists before? Always liking the same artist, the same kind of music...strange...too strange...

"But if these guys like it, it must be good"...Same thing with Opeth. In my opinion new Opeth and PT sounds too much of a same (listen PT's Orchidia (ooo...that's an original name) and compire). Opeth is a pale shadow of an original concept but Katatonia has not take the same rout. Then why the "true" Katatonia-fans always follow their idols hand in hand..?

Maybe it' just me, but I've become bored all this shit in msgboeard, nothing new, rumours,¤%& kissing and all...and why....

Now, let the flames begun....
1) Im working in music business and have a tones of music to listen.
2) I dont have any idols, except my father.
3) Im in the same age with all that guys: Dan Swano, Katatonia, Opeth etc.
4). "Black metal covered with corpsepaint" is not interesting for me anymore. If i'll be have a choice between Bright Eyes and Deicide...well, I'll choose Conor Oberst's stuff...
"But if these guys like it, it must be good"

Personally, I find it very hard to dislike anything Jonas listens to.:p

Besides, I would think that there's a slight difference between eagerly adapting someone's musical taste or seeing other people's playlists as inspiration. Not that I would listen to Limp Bizkit or David Hasselhoff just because some Katatonia member does.:grin:
ColdDarkNord said:
...and, btw, what's wrong if someone wants to find out where the roots of Omerta came from?

Nothing, I didn't ment it like that. You answered everything what I was thinking and your reasons seemed very good and I understand them.

I don't know, sometimes it just seems that some people idolize other people and become just like them, with this I didn't ment you and this was not ment for anyone personaly.

Ok, have a nice day :)
I usually check out their play list because sometimes I discover interesting bands that I couldn't have discovered otherwise...I take everything with a critical sense, not that what Jonas says/likes/does is the "bible"...but it's interesting to know what he listents to or reads...I mean, they are all elements that form a background and could be also an artistic influence.
For example thanks to Jonas I discovered "Songs : Ohia" and now i own almost all their complete discography.
Some months ago i also bought Will Oldham "I see a darkness" without listening previously to it because I knew Jonas liked it and that was a kind of guarantee...and of course i like this Cd a lot as well, even if I don't like everything Will Oldham has done, some songs are too "country" for my tastes.
Anders could be a huge Judas Priest fan, but personally it's not my cup of I respect their musical tastes and if I find something that is interesting for me I listent to it just because I like it...
I kind of see the argument that M. Lehto has going here. But it is too far generalized to truly hold any water as far as the Katatonia fanbase goes-----at least in my humble opinion. Throughout my time here on this forum I have seen some truly grotesque fan worship, but for the most part, I think that most of the people here are individual thinkers who are steadfast in their beliefs and tastes. Which is not to say to say that they are open-minded to some well-anchored influence. Hell, if it weren't for Jonas' playlists, I would have never discovered the genius that is Mogwai. Although I find some of their likings to be simply shit in my opinion. Stuff like Kent and dEUS I find to be truly awful. But I am just one man, with one mind, who loves many bands, with many influences. And I am sure the same principle applies to the majority of the users here on this forum.
@ the_joy_of_grief: Dredg - El Cielo : YES! (Mein Reden...)
P.S. Hvordan var det i Danmark, Sverige og Finland? Hvornaar kommer Lars egentlig tilbage? Undskyld med födselsdagen...:confused:
NattevogterInc said:
Uh, great to see he have Timesbold on his playlist! I gave him that CD at the Denmark show, as I had quite a feeling it would be something for him. Personally, I really love that album....

May I be sodomized in the ass!! Mesnickow! :D