josh just "roid raged" on me...


Overly-Cryptic Jake
seipptastic: they just switched us from twice a month to every other week, so my last check was smaller than usual
indieradioisdead: SWEET
indieradioisdead: i get paid weekly
indieradioisdead: kinda nice
seipptastic: DICKHEAD
seipptastic: adhjflg,agva
seipptastic: OAPDSIFGo
seipptastic: sorry
seipptastic: steroids
indieradioisdead: little roid rage?
seipptastic: hee hee
indieradioisdead: how is that acne on your back?
seipptastic: actually
indieradioisdead: or as i like to call it "bacne"
seipptastic: I did get a little
seipptastic: it's little tiny red spots though, not pussy runny zits
indieradioisdead: nothing worse than bacne
seipptastic: it's not MOIST
seipptastic: if you will
indieradioisdead: thanks for using THAT word
seipptastic: you are welcome
my brother always roids out on me...I don't think he actually uses roids...he just lifts alot...
but he's still hella agressive and beats the piss out of me just because I'm an awful weakling whose torso has less muscle tone than Christopher Reeve's thighs.

I'm gonna buy mace, because my only defense lately has been sqeezing his balls...and it's starting to feel dirty.
seipptastic: they just switched us from twice a month to every other week, so my last check was smaller than usual

isn't that the same thing?
actually there are like two extra checks if you do it bi-weekly. they used to hand them out on the 12th and the 26th, regardless of what day of the week it was.

more checks = smaller checks.
but less tax. if your check is smaller, than a less percentage of tax is taken away. that's y i wish i was paid weekly instead of bi-weekly