

4 out 5

On their first post-Perry record Arrival Journey received a lukewarm reception. People have a hard time swallowing the fact that a band pushes forward, without the voice, that they’ve grown up with. The last record was good, but it needed to be great, thus the lack of fanfare. Generations the second disc with record with Steve Agueri (note: I know they issued an E.P.-Red13 between records!),kicks off with a strong track in “Faith in the Heartland,” it will surely please the longtime fan, one thing I noticed this time around is that Steve Agueri is sounding a little less like Steve Perry and more like himself. Journey has always had some great musicianship happening despite, the fact that they were more of an adult oriented rock band, they certainly weren’t Air Supply. Generations is the record that should have been Arrival, the song writing is more personal, not going through the motions, just to stay a float and forever to be an oldies act. One thing that was a surprise is the fact that all member share vocal duties throughout the record, Neal Schon is a good singer, as is Jonathan Cain, but the real surprise is drummer Deen Castronovo, who really sounds like Steve Perry, more so that Agueri ever did! It’s unbelievable, also Ross Valroy sings on the very un-Journey track called “Gone Crazy,” which has a roadhouse blues vibe to it, I like it a lot. “Faith in the Heartland,” “The Place in Your Heart,” “Every Generation,(vocals by Jonathan Cain),” “Gone Crazy(Ross Valroy)” and “Never Too Late(Deen Castronovo).” Generations is a less poppy more rock and soul, guitar and groove driven record. It’s up there with the classic Journey records of the early 80’s.