Jr. Ghetto video

The only shock here is that neither of them pulled a gun on each other.

Uhu. :loco:

What the hell was wrong with the people in that hood? They to poor or lazy to bet on horses, boxing or greyhounds or do they just prefer to watch kids beat the crap out of each other? Did they all put the bills in a pile and tell the kids duke it out for family pride or to pay for uncle Marvins 40 oz?
What shocks me is :

1.) That camcorders picture quality, its mighty good! Either the welfare check paid for that or it was stolen. Im leaning towards stolen.

2.) Blacks use computers and access Myspace?? Thats crazy talk. Next thing you know they'll be voting democrat and women can go around without their burkas.

3.)The biggest surprise, is that the ignorant retard filming all that, was able to actually take the stolen camcorder, plug in the stolen usb cable to the stolen computer and upload a video.

This video makes me glad I'm white..and I smile. But then I see all of these redneck white trash douchebags here in the south..and that smile fades. It is still there, just dimished a bit.:loco:
I sent this video to a Russian friend, thinkin he'd die laughing, especially since he loathes all homeys.

But he got all sentimental about it, saying with a sniff how much it reminded him of his childhood! Shit!

Looks like child rumbles have been a staple of Russian boyhoods for centuries. He told me a circle of bigger boys would push two smaller boys into the middle and duke it out. The loser was called a pussy for the rest of his days until he entered the circle and finally won a fight.

He told me, the best thing is to win immediately; that way, the older boys let the winner be part of the audience for all other fights.

I sent this video to a Russian friend, thinkin he'd die laughing, especially since he loathes all homeys.

But he got all sentimental about it, saying with a sniff how much it reminded him of his childhood! Shit!

Looks like child rumbles have been a staple of Russian boyhoods for centuries. He told me a circle of bigger boys would push two smaller boys into the middle and duke it out. The loser was called a pussy for the rest of his days until he entered the circle and finally won a fight.

He told me, the best thing is to win immediately; that way, the older boys let the winner be part of the audience for all other fights.


Shit thats everywhere. But I've never seen grown "Adults" (they are only probably 14 anyways) pushing their kids into a fight, dogging them out like that, and instigating violence. One guy says "Hit him my pals, you'll be hitting them all yo life my pals."

Its like training camp for the kid to be ready to drop for a fight instantly then to use his brain, or how about..avoid the circumstance anyways. Those two kids will be in prison or dead by 18. I also can see why blacks are the biggest racists in the country, and why they think everyone owes them something. Watching that debacle..its sad.