Judas Priest - Redeemer of Souls

Left with a bad taste in my mouth when I finally got to c the a few years back in Sydney,they changed the support band wich was cavelera conspiracy to some on known band and when priest came on the volume was lower than a megadeath set,ticks were overpriced and they played to a half empty arena,it's a real shame because I used to be a massive priest fan
Left with a bad taste in my mouth when I finally got to c the a few years back in Sydney,they changed the support band wich was cavelera conspiracy to some on known band and when priest came on the volume was lower than a megadeath set,ticks were overpriced and they played to a half empty arena,it's a real shame because I used to be a massive priest fan

Not sure how any of that is their fault though. They were great when I saw them in 2011 on the Epitaph tour. Richie Faulkner is great, he fits right in with them.
Got it and upon first listen, I like it. I bought the one with the bonus disc. I'll listen to that on my way home from work.
They skimped of production sound etc,not acceptable when paying big bucks for ticks,prob not there fault but still left a bad taste in my mouth,I will check the album out:)
I picked up the deluxe edition but haven't had the chance to listen to it just yet.
I've had it for days, heard a few songs so far and I'm not impressed. It's boring and Halford's voice is definitely gone.
I've listened to Disc 1 so far and while there are some issues with a couple of the songs for me, I thought it was pretty good.