Judge sentences 16 year old to go to his room for spamming.


Jan 11, 2004
Denzel, WA.
"A 16 year old 'Boy Spammer', David Lennon, has been told by a judge that as punishment for his crimes he can't leave his bedroom for two months during curfew. CNET thinks this is no punishment at all: "With the streets awash with axe murderers, terrorists and paedophiles, staying in and playing games seems like a reasonable response. Given that our kids are growing up as stay-in gamers, the Boy Spammer's curfew is no more punishment for the blighter than sentencing a boy caught speeding to two months on a race track." Apparently Lennon used a piece of email bombing software called Avalanche to wreak revenge on his ex-employer, Domestic and General Group. His five million emails contained the message "You will die in seven days.""
lol, cnet uk's response to what his punishment should have been

"Finally, for two months, Lennon should be forced to play Tomb Raider II on the original PlayStation from a save point where it is impossible not to die. Tomb Raider II was remarkable in this respect because it allowed players to save the game seconds before their inevitable death plummeting from a cliff edge. Two months of watching Lara die hopelessly should have roughly the same effect as a Beckett play, teaching Lennon some valuable and mentally stabilising lessons on the futility of life."
I hide in my room most of the time anyway.

Question is, how are they going to enforce that? With things like needing to shit and piss, and the fact that bracelet ranges don't usually go below 25 feet.
CNet said the sentence was to stay in his house during curview... so he can run around all he wants free just be home by what, 9:30? so he can sit on his PC and hack the company's servers? :lol:
retarded penguin said:
He should have had to write out five million letters of apology.

HAHAHA He'd jsut write one letter and have avalanch send it out to everyone.

edit: hahaha send out all 5 million so everyones inbox is filled with "im sorry for spamming you"
Mike said:
HAHAHA He'd jsut write one letter and have avalanch send it out to everyone.

edit: hahaha send out all 5 million so everyones inbox is filled with "im sorry for spamming you"

hahahaha , it's like that simpsons episode where homer has to apologize to everyone for the autodialer money scam calls and does so using the autodialer

"Hello, this is Homer Simpson, a.k.a. Happy Dude. The court has ordered me to call every person in town to apologize for my telemarketing scam. I'm sorry. If you can find it in your heart to forgive me, send one dollar to Sorry Dude, 742 Evergreen Terrace, Springfield. You have the power."