Just a rough pre-produciton of a song


¯\(°_o)/¯ - How do?
Dec 3, 2007
Petoskey, Michigan
Hello everyone.

This weekend I got bored and did a pre-production of a song my friend wrote that we almost forgot how to play. Heh, anyway I have a Pearl drumset, 4 toms, a few cymbals, Joey Snare, the AT 2020/2021 for overheads, 57's on toms and snare and some cheap Carvin kick mic. Guitars are 5150's into a 5150 cab with 1 57 off axis. Guitar - LP copy w/ 81/85 EMG Set.

Let me know what you think, did it in about an hour.

(In This Calm Pre-Produciton)
Hope you're gonna be tighter when you will actually record the thing :)

I find the guitar sound a bit too sterile/fizzy/messy/undefined/dirty.

The song seems nice though (when i don't pay attention to the timing fuck-ups :) )
Heh, yeah It was all done really quick, didn't get a chance to dial in some tone and we ran though the drums in one take, so my drummer got a little off in a couple spots, metronome wasn't loud enough. I think I'm going to switch to my other cab with the Warehouse V30's in it. I also did all the guitar parts and I did them in about one or two takes each section.
Heh, yeah It was all done really quick, didn't get a chance to dial in some tone and we ran though the drums in one take, so my drummer got a little off in a couple spots, metronome wasn't loud enough. I think I'm going to switch to my other cab with the Warehouse V30's in it. I also did all the guitar parts and I did them in about one or two takes each section.

all right