Just a suggestion.

Its just a little and most likely stupid question, but why can't we have the same sales (just noticed the Valentines Sale on US site) on the UK site and some of the same special offers? The UK site never seems to have a sale. Maybe its a bad idea, but like I said its only a minor suggestion. I don't expect anything to happen as it is quite stupid and insignificant but I just wanted to say it anyway.
not wanting to argue with you, but if you compare the UK webstore overall to the US webstore - from what i've seen - the UK one has a hell of a lot more stuff on there, the Metal Market thing (i don't think that's on the US one), and the CDs are the cheapest online and offline that i've ever found so... i can't really complain :)
Dr Psyklonic said:
not wanting to argue with you, but if you compare the UK webstore overall to the US webstore - from what i've seen - the UK one has a hell of a lot more stuff on there, the Metal Market thing (i don't think that's on the US one), and the CDs are the cheapest online and offline that i've ever found so... i can't really complain :)
I guess so. I'm just a cheapskate. Heh. I need to tape my fingers together now to stop me posting more random crap. *tuts*
just buy from the US site thats what i did when i got my Godflesh shirt from there because the UK site had none they charge $10 shipping but the shirt still only worked out at £9 from there bargain! especially when you see Godflesh shirts on ebay going for £40