just a thought on taking photos of Mr. Heavy Devy himself


Mark Carras
Sep 29, 2001
Olympia, WA
So in the past year I have taken pictures of SYL three (one set is to be posted in a few days) times. Every time I have the hardest time weeding out the best ones. The reason why? I always end up with way more good ones than I can use. They guy is so damn antimated on stage that almost every photo is hard to not share with everyone. With most bands I take maybe 200 photos and use about 50 of them tops. With SYL I always end up with about 100 that I want to use.

So my question is...can you take a boring picture of Devin?

Anyways, let's post some links to SYL photo albums...



Let's see your photos. Some non-SYL ones would be cool as I haven't seen too many of those.
I dont think its possible to take a bad picture. The man is animated 24/7 so no matter when you take a picture he is sure to be doing something worthy of a picture.