just back from the astoria


New Metal Member
Apr 7, 2002
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and what a show it was. over 2 hrs of classic metal. there were the classics for people like me such as dogs of war, requiem, crusader and the eagle has landed to name but a few. there were also some album tracks for the die hards which is probably most of you lot. in the end the battle up on the train and bus was well worth it and you have to credit biff for not bringing up the recent politics. but then when you see a turn out like this and the other lot struggle to fill clubs it says it all really doesn't it. it was like going back in time watching a full on saxon show which i think our european neighbours are used to but us brits have had to put up with the dungeons to quote a certain lead singer.
Sounds like you had a great time , could ' nt make it me self
I hope to see them on the second part of H.M.T