Just ended up at a bar with 4 Sumerian bands


Jun 15, 2010
So a friend of mind posted that Periphery was in the town over from me, Seaside Heights. So I dropped everything to go to Seaside and find them. I found their tour bus and luckily a stage manager was outside so I asked him where the dudes were. He told me what bar they were at and I walked there knowing I wasn't old enough to enter (I'm 20). So I waited outside the bar, until I noticed Spence and Jake from Periphery hanging outside smoking. So I introduce myself and Jake informs me that Michael Keene is right there (The Faceless), and Veil of Maya and Asking Alexandria are inside.
So I snuck in.
Needless to say, I'm happy as hell that I made the effort to find them, because I got more than what I wanted.
I hung out with Protest The Hero inadvertently once. I didn't even recognise them at all until after when I went into the venue and they started playing - then I was like "oh, thats who you are".

I was on the VIP list on this years Metaltown. Saw a bunch of bands up close in the diner and in the VIP area. Lamb of good, Machine head, In flames, Trivium. I recognized a few but im no fanboy so even though i've heard most of the big bands that played there i didn't recognize that many of them, but the band i was with they where like "omg look there is that band" etc :) Cool experience though eating and drinking for free and checking out great bands :) I hope i'll see more of that VIP thing in the future haha
Me and some buddies hung out with few guys from Into Eternity after their show and we all took autographs from them on our tickets. A random guy comes and tries to take a ticker from my hand and I put move the ticket away when the guy says: "hey, I play in Into Eternity too". He wanted to sign my ticket. :)
So what if I'm a fanboy, I've never met these dudes before, it was a cool and very unexpected experience.
And no, I didn't meet Wes! He was there, but I got kicked out of the bar before I got to meet everyone.